Life is a willow, just a budding tree.

I once wrote in a piece of paper realizing how slowly my dreams transcending into my reality-my everyday that have been a whirlwind since January.

Not lucky, but somewhat privileged, that is how I define my life. Growing up in a family where my voice matters, and my opinion were heard, I'm always given the freedom to choose on what ways to go and explore as a kid and even as an adult.

Granted with the opportunity to study in a prestigious nursing school way back 2018, passed the Philippine Nursing Licensure exam last November 2022, and working in an international accredited hospital first month of 2023, I know life has been good to me. Then living away from the comfort of home that built me to be the person I am today opened my eyes to things that were romanticized by many but there were instances that they failed to see.

It's been almost 3 months since I found myself in another stranger place. A place where the crowds mingle with different customs, and traditions afar from the places where they were raised and born. In a span of months, I found myself loving my new adventure that I have to undergo each day I try to experience the beauty of life.

At this point, I met people who served as my constant. A friend that I unexpectedly did not notice that we have been with each other's side for years now. I found a support system through the persona of a senior at work that we share a room with in the metro. I met someone who can act as my mother in the form of the Laundry shop operator in our building, and I am enjoying being a pediatric and OBGYNE nurse in the hospital, learning a lot from my seniors at work.


I am at a point that my writings were put on hold. I am in a dilemma of finishing my poetry compilation that I wanted to self-publish this October as a gift to myself for being such a wonderful daughter to my parents for 23 years. There were a lot to do, to many happenings that I wanted to write and ponder on. There were instances that I wanted to share but too spent for the day to recollect and write my thoughts out. After months, here I am again, writing my heart out to reconnect with my inner self- my frustrated writer self.

I am starting to stat another book of my life, as to I am writing a new page of my humble beginnings as a dreamer who is celebrating her slight wins in life.

I am still new to this adulting phase. I know that life will still be good to me in the next days, and there will also days that I'll feel down for reasons I cannot control.

To you, who did stumble in this writing unknowingly of what its content, I wished you too the best. I know like me, you are a passionate writer who has been lurking here, finding joy in another dreamer's escapade.

I am in an era that I wanted to keep my journal digital, a writing that I could still find after years that I'll say to myself, I have a lot to go through to be fighting this far.

This is the new page, a beginning of more to come in this lifetime, and lessons that I'll treasure to become a successful woman that I am to be in the future.

We did well self. We are just starting. Take things slowly. Celebrate this small achievement. You made it.

March 15, 2023✦urpedianurse✦

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