My Hometown

No need to pay for thousands just to see and witness a beautiful scenery , if you're on a province you will know that 😍

Above picture is raw one , no filter , that's the exact scenery you can see when you go outside in our house .It was take 3pm after a rainfall.
I felt boredom staying on the house and so I decided to went out and have my walk . This viwe captured my attention and hola , I took my camer then click 📷

After that another shot I took from the rice fields and coconut trees . I thank God I was able to capture those scenes
The grass,the clouds,the trees, woahh beauty indeed 😍💚

Another angle, which is the rice fields.That's the source of income of most people in our place.We called them farmers/laborers if they do not own the land they work for

This was taken while having my moment on the field.This is very good when you have a cup of coffee to sip 😅

This flower is a family of saging-saging. I decided to take shot on it because I find it rare because of its star shaped flower.During my childhood days we used this as an earings

Our place is also our source of happiness. The picture above is my aunt, so you see?? Province is not only for relaxation but also for having photo shoots . Having a photo shoot on the rice field is fun and thrilling because you need to go through muddy way and itchy grassses. Despite of those

Here are some very good shots that we took ⬇️
My aunt with her native hat

Smile not because everything is perfect and fine but because God is good all the time



All I can say is that , Province is the best place to stay , relax and be comfortable.

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