Being inspired by Hendry - 2022 kickstart -

Greeting everyone . This is HENDRY BONNIE MUDIN. I has talk about him in my previous post but in 2022 , like i say before i wanna kick off this year by sparking my passion in photography again.



A few days ago , i still losing and dont know where to start , not because there is nothing i cant do but because there is too much i can do and i dont know which one to start first. Thanks to @gideongys has offer me some wedding job as videographer and photographer which has give me some encouragement and open a little bit my door of passion , but still i dont know where to start.

I take a little time of myself just thinking where should i start. When scrolling my previous picture , i see found this picture of HENDRY. So , i get contact to him because i havent heard of him for few years. Im actually happy because i still contact with him. For those who didnt know about Hendry , he is thalassemia patient which have short period of lifespan. Even he has a fragile body and refill his blood every week , but he keep fighting to live until now.

I guess you can spot which one is Hendry in this group picture.


He say this is his ritual of life :


Even he born with thalassemia but it doesnt stop him to work hard and live his life everyday.


One day (which is a few years ago) , i found his picture working on his facebook which inspired and lead me to make one photoshoot of him .


A fast photoshoot season with him ;


Lesson that i learn from him , what to us or in our life is not important , what is important how we react on what happen to us. I might late to realize this again , but like wise people say its better late than never.

Actually this is one of series that i want to do after getting back from my ASEAN journey but it was postpone until this year. Im sad because some of his friend list is no longer alive . I hope this series will become memory to their family and can be inspired to all of us .

I have put portrait of HENDRY picture in so we have some capital to kick-start this project. I really appreciate to people who willing to buy the collection .

There is #20 edition for this NFT which can be buy using HIVE which start from 8 HIVE onward . Some of profit will be given to him .


You might interest to see other collection in my gallery :


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