Facing 3 Scams in a Month 😣

Hello everyone 👧.

This is an overdue post that I should have shared earlier this month, but I did not do so. I mentioned in my previous long post that I will have more freedom from work after August. However, I going to have a long vacation leave next November for an overseas trip. I have to do as much work as I can in order to earn extra earning for it. So, this is the reason that for more than one month I did not do a long post.

Last August, I faced 3 scammers. What an unlucky month for me to get into this during my stressful mood while rushing to get my clients' accounting work done to meet the due date.

Grab Food

During the busy month for work, I frequently use the Grab Food mobile application to settle my meal matters. One day, I found my favorite restaurant near my workplace still available for food ordering at night. Maybe my mind not functioning well that time at night, without thinking much I just ordered my meal including my colleagues' meal online from this restaurant.

After making this order, @butwo informed me this restaurant is only open in the day time and it business closes at 5.00 p.m. Furthermore he said, the restaurant has already stopped using Grab Food services. When I heard about this, I was shocked as I already made payment for it. But still, I making an assumption maybe my favorite restaurant suddenly decided to open its business at night and resume using the Grab Food services due to their financial difficulty.

@butwo was right. The restaurant was closed. @butwo, the one who went to pick up the food ordered took the picture on the restaurant's front door and sent it by WhatApps to inform me of this matter. I requested @butwo to check on the back door hoping that my favorite restaurant was still open secretly. As a result, the restaurant was indeed not operating its business at night.

I feel very sad and hungry at the same time until let out a few drops of my tears from my watering eyes. With frustration, I lodged a complaint on the GrabFood help center online as the money had been deducted from my wallet fund after the expected collection time. Afterward, I just make another food order from the usual restaurant for the office's dinner.

My money has been refunded after 48 hours of lodging this complaint.

Tik Tok

Recently, on my Tik Tok live always pop out this reward receiving tempting live streaming page. Perhap my mind still not awake for waking up too early in the morning, I gamble myself by sending 10 donuts gifts (which cost me RM20.00 or USD4.25) while lying on bed to this tik toker. The live page mentioned that the gifts sent to them will be rewarded more higher return to the gifts sender. In how they will return gift to the sender? I really don't know about it.

In the end, no notification at all from this tik toker for returning the reward I expected. Well, it's a gamble for doing such action and I only suffered small impact of sadness.

Mobile Phone Repairing Shop

I did not taking care my mobile phone well and had broken my phone screen for 3 times during the year or up to end of August. This happen due to my carelessness.

I'm feel ashamed myself to get my phone to repair my phone screen from the previous phone repairer. So, I sent my damaged phone for repair to another new phone repair shop. This time, I sent to the phone repair shop which nearby workplace.

In overall experience with this phone repair shop (well known in my hometown as well), I can said I damn piss off on them. If possible in 5 stars review, I would give them negative stars if there is the option on it.

During the day my phone screen broken, it's already at 7 p.m. at night. Due to peak season on my work, I did not have much free time at day time. At the same time, I need to use my phone urgently for bill and salary online payment matters. After researching on facebook, I found this phone repair shop still open it business at night then I directly messaging them to enquiry whether they able to fix my phone at night.

I'm damn happy that after getting a reply from them said : Okay, just send to our shop today, we able to fix it. I cancelled my plan to do work overtime at that time and immediately went to this phone repair shop with @butwo.

Once I reached the destination, it's still have 2 hours remaining time for the phone repair shop to close down it business. However, I get a response from the lady at the the counter that my phone will be fix on the next day as the technician already returned back home. I argue with them how come the person who I contacting said just send it today and making me expect them to fix it immediately my phone in the same day. I don't feel like to make a second trip to this place due to my busy schedule. The lady informed me to left my phone and come back to this shop after getting a called from them to pick up my fixed phone. She also promised that my phone will be available to pick on on 11.00 a.m.

On the next day, @butwo and I waited the call from that shop. After 12.00 p.m., we yet getting any call or even a written message from that shop. We decided to go to that shop during lunch time to check on it. By the time we reached the phone repair shop, guess what, my phone haven't started to get it fixed. My stress level upgraded with the additional unsatisfaction services from this shop. The same lady promises me again and guarantee the phone will get it fix today. Okay, I just trust her again and when back to my workplace after getting lunch around that phone repair shop's area.

I waited until over 5.00 p.m., no call and written message from that phone repair shop at all. I messaging them to follow up my phone status. After getting the reply from them, I voiced out my unsatisfaction and shared it with my @butwo and my colleague.

The phone repair shop mentioned that my phone not yet fixed and might need two more days to get it done. I asked for details why unable to get it done today. They replied to me that my phone charging parts is corrupted and might charges me additional of RM150.00 (USD32) for it (without my permission).

At this moment, I trace that there is something wrong with this phone repair shop. As for my experience with two phone repairers, they will inform me on the phone's problem and will ask me for approval by mentioning the services price before started to fix it. In addition, my phone charging parts just been replaced during this year and its only cost me RM60.00 (USD12). Furthermore, the previous two phone repairers had fixing the same phone screen problem in around 1 hour of time only.

@butwo and my colleague encourage me to get my phone back today before this dishonest and unethical phone repair shop (consider a legal business scammer) did more additional fixing without my permission in order to get additional sales collection from me. I directly replied message to this phone repair shop that just fix my phone screen and please do not do any additional fixing on my phone.

After that message, the phone repair shop person just started actively messaging me for just pursuading me to get my other parts of my phone to fix it. With firm heart, I reply them said to do whatever I request and ask them what time my phone able to collect it today. They message me that at night I can collect it.

Luckily I came earlier to collect the phone at night which is my third trip to this phone repair shop. I almost unable to get back my phone. When I went to the phone repair shop counter, the same lady (who promised me the phone able to get it fix today during lunch time) suddenly said my phone not yet ready to pick up. I showed my phone conversation message to her someone said I able to collect it today and at night. Then, the lady called the person in charge on my phone and I getting a replied with deny said they did not mentioned my phone can collect it today. @butwo and I complaint in details with madness in front of their other customer for cheating on us. The person in charges in the end said now they will fix my phone and ask us to wait half an hour for it. The person in charges with thick face still asking us, Are you sure don't want to fix your phone charging part? I replied to them, No thank you, I want my phone back today.

At home, with my phone been collected safely without been scammed additional price from that phone repair shop. I test out to charging my phone. In the morning, it is 100% fully battery charges. Before going to work, I bring my phone to reinspect back at the previous phone repairer that I had his very good services before.

I explained to the phone repairer about my situation where I almost been scam. This phone repairer help me check whether my charging port had any problem. The result is my charging port still working fine and no need to replace the parts. In addition, this phone repairer did not charges me labor charges for inspecting my phone. I a bit regret for did not throw away my shameness on finding him back to fix my phone at first so that the above problem did not happen at all.

I think this post is sharing about my frusfration on facing these scammers until I'm able to write lots of words on it. Hope you all don't mind for reading it. 🙈

That's all. Thanks for reading my post

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