TRAVEL IS LIFE: My Adventure to Bataraza Palawan


Adventures is the best way to learn and enjoy life the fullest

Hello dear friends.
How are you? I miss you so much.
I'm here @sorenkierkegaard and i'm back.
I wish you good health, peace and happiness today.

Some say, Travel is life; yes, indeed. I am so grateful that i have a chance to travel outside Cebu. It has been two years that i was not able to travel in any places because of Pandemic.

Lifestyle of simplicity
My first day in Bataraza Palawan was so amazing. We have had a "bahay kubo" a house made up of bamboo.
The funny thing was; we don't have an electricity. We dont have neighborhood.
We don't have gasol, we just used wood.

But we enjoyed the moment of living simplicity. During at night we could hear the sounds of wild animals.
In that place,i have found a solitude moment. Connecting our life to nature.
I could smell the fresh air.
I could see the beauty of the forest.
I could see peace during the dakness night. Where there is no troubles in mind but peace.

I started to learned to appreciate the beauty of the moon and stars.
There are many memories and wisdom to live a solitude life, isn't?

Nature provides abundantly

This is spring water. It is so clean.
We used this water for our daily cooking, washing clothes and for drinking. It contains nature minerals, which i like most. Thus, nature is so rich. It provides freely. I learned today to be grateful with nature.

Thank you for the spring water.



At the Bridge
We had a great time, talking to my girlfriend at this bridge.
Underneath of it is a river. There also people washing clothes.
The name of this bridge is Gadsan.


At the River
Let's go the river. We woke up early in the morning. We were so excited to do jogging and to discover new places.
Lo and behold, we have found beautiful river. The water flowing was so beautiful in crystal clear.

I can't imagine that there are still clean river. Where we can wash our clothes and take a bath.
The river was adjacent to the road.
When i saw it, i hurried to come to the river with excitement.
I did not touch the water immediately. I've cheacked the sorrounding if there was any wild animals like crocodiles.
I have seen there was a great silence.
So i started to enjoy the moment playing with the river.
I've had washed my clothes in a feeling of awe.


The beauty of the River

I have reflected that i would love to live like a river, whose life is always visited with blessings. A blessings who come and go. Without any attachment unto it but only memories we can keep.

Hence, life may like a river.
You are leads by the flow of your passion. You will be lead by your belief and principles in life.

How i wish all life is like a river; where there is no holding with feeling of pride and hatred. But always love whatever comes in life.


The Full Tank
This is a memorable t-shirt, it was given by girlfriend her name is Rose. The word "Fulltank" comes from daily inspirational facebook page of Bro. Bo.
It is here also that i had meet my girlfriend.



Relaxing at the river

Be like a river, open and flow.
I was enjoying the relaxing moment at the river. I could feel the water over flowing through my body in its warmnest.

I choose to listen to the river for a while,closing my eyes as i was hearing the voice of the river flowing.
It gives me peace within.
I had learned that when we start to listen and meditate we can find peace, harmony, contentment and gratitude.
I would say that to have adventures meaning to collect good memories and to re-connect ourselves.
In our busy life, let us find time to travel and see the wonderful creations of God.



Feeling blessed in life
I think this is the picture of mine that expressed how blessed i am and how grateful i am in life.
I am grateful for everything i have.
I am grateful for life.
I am grateful to the river. Philosophers would argue that we cannot step twice at the same river. For that reason let us cherish whatever comes im life. People may go and they may change. Always know that let us not forget to collect memories in life.
Some say said, there is nothing permanent in this world only change.


I am grateful for the fresh air.
I am grateful for the forest.
I am grateful for the birds.
I am gratefuk for the rock.
I am grateful for the birds.
Everything that i saw in that moment; i say Thank you.
My dear friend, what are you grateful in life?

The modeling at the river
Look how strong i am to carry this wood.



In this picture, it says "Be with nature. Connect your soul to the nature. Natures is beautiful. Natures provides abundantly. Natures will teach us how to be grateful in life. Hence, it is in gratitude that we truly expressed our deep appreciation to the nature."


The Bonding moment of my girlfriend Rose
I would like to express my gratitude to her support. She is good in taking pictures. Thank you so much Rose.

Dear friends,
I appreciate your time reading my blog. Thank you so much.
See you my for next stories life.


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