Nature shines in the gray light of the Sun

Friends, Happy Saturday everyone.

Today started off as usual with rainy conditions, with intermittent showers throughout the day. As the amount of rain is high, there is a fear of flooding among the people on the river banks, a fear has also been created among them. Before evening, however, the amount of rain decreased a little and for a short time the nature became beautiful.

In fact, the beauty of nature makes us all mesmerized, great natural scenery stirs our hearts and increases our love for nature. Of course, these are common things, everyone knows, but I said it only to express love. Of course, when I am writing this post, it has stopped raining, but the atmosphere of the sky looks like it will rain during the night as well.

Today I will share some beautiful late afternoon scenes with beautiful and gray sun light, which I captured few days ago in beautiful and bright environment. I have a special weakness for beautiful nature and environment, it may be already known by all.

I grew up in a rural environment and surrounded by green nature, due to which I enjoyed the love and liveliness of nature very closely. I have had the opportunity to penetrate deep into the beautiful scenery, and this is probably the reason why I always have an interest in getting close to nature. However, the green nature of the countryside is no longer what it used to be, because of the pressure on nature to increase human habitation.

And people are destroying agricultural land to make way for housing. If you think about the rural environment five years ago and compare it with the current situation, you may realize how fast the green nature and agricultural land have decreased and the human presence has increased. Still, that continuity is ongoing and may continue to be, if our mentality does not change.

The pre-dawn moment casts great light on nature, creates an atmosphere of a different environment and creates an attraction to nature. I almost try to capture the earlier evening scenes and capture my beautiful feelings. Look at these scenes, the brilliance of nature is brilliantly brought out by the gray light of the sun.

I tried to capture the views as I walked along the road, there were quite a lot of cars on the road but still the views were amazing to me. Beautiful moments are always made more beautiful by nature and surroundings.

All are my original Photography, device Redmi 9 from Uttara.

Thanks all.




I am a determined girl, I want to take myself to great heights. I know the challenge is tough, but I still want to go ahead and test my abilities. I don't want to lose before I lose, but I want to win through struggle. I love to write, I love to express my imagination.

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