My Coriander Leaf Garden - still in Existence

Friends, Happy Friday everyone.

Today was a beautiful day and I enjoyed the whole day. Because the sky was clear from this morning, it was sunny enough and beautiful. It didn't rain at all today, that was the biggest news. Because in the past days it rained more or less every day, today was an exception.

Sometimes exceptions become necessary, especially when something happens so consistently that it's no longer enjoyable. We have been receiving continuous rains here for several days, as a result of which the life of the common people was quite disrupted.

Today was our weekend though and as it didn't rain all day everyone tried to enjoy the day more or less, which was a good thing for us. Sometimes such a beautiful environment plays an effective role in relieving stress. Of course, I stayed at home all day today, enjoying the beautiful surroundings and tending to the vegetable garden.

Because the condition of my vegetable gardens has become very fragile due to heavy rainfall in the past few days. So today was very important for me, I tried to take care of the plants in the vegetable garden.

The gardens that were almost destroyed due to rain have started to smile again. Today I am going to share with you again some updated information about coriander leaves garden. Although already 60% of the garden saplings have been destroyed. But now there is still hope left in my heart.

See, the beginning was very difficult. I dug and loosened the new soil, then soaked the coriander seeds for some time. Then planted them manually and watered regularly along with proper care for proper germination.

Of course, I was quite successful in the beginning, the sprouts came up nicely in the garden and a nice feeling was created in the heart. See, the opening scenes were pretty hilarious. But suddenly everything changes due to heavy rains.

About 60% of Coriander seedlings are lost due to continuous heavy rains. Of course, I made a mistake here, if I could have covered them with silt in the beginning maybe it wouldn't have been so bad, and all the seedlings would have had a chance to grow in pretty good condition.


Still, I tried to take care of what was left with some success. It is better to succeed somewhat than to fail completely. So, I still hold on to hope and will try to hold on to it until the end. Look at the current scene, the Coriander plants have grown a bit.

All are my original photographs from my own garden.

Thanks all.




I am a determined girl, I want to take myself to great heights. I know the challenge is tough, but I still want to go ahead and test my abilities. I don't want to lose before I lose, but I want to win through struggle. I love to write, I love to express my imagination.

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