Looking for mental refreshment with Nature

Happy Tuesday everyone, friends.

Today also started off cloudy with light showers in the morning. The nature was cool and cloudy from early morning. Therefore, the presence of the sun is not very clear in the morning today. But after noon the sky clears again and the beautiful presence of the sun is seen. Due to which warmth has also been felt.

Due to political instability, the current environment of our city is not very comfortable, still the government is trying to control everything and keep the situation normal. Because the people of the city are very worried and they also want to return to normal life as per rules. I also hope everything is back to normal as soon as possible.

There is a mental tension in me because any kind of conflict destroys the beautiful environment of the country as well as hinders the normal development. Due to the unexpected situation, the metro rail is still closed and its severe impact on the roads, traffic congestion is being observed on the city roads for the past few days. You know It is not desirable at all for us, because it wastes extra time for everyone.

Life never stops, we have to keep moving and try to stay normal, taking into account the situation. Because problems will keep coming, the world without problems cannot be imagined. So we have to try to move forward by reconciling with the problem and maintain the speed of our activities according to the situation. It is never possible to maintain a normal life by denying reality.

So today again I tried to spend some time in the proximity of nature, tried to keep my mind fresh with nature. Just as I tried to enjoy some beautiful moments, I also tried to create energy to adapt myself to the current situation, it is a very simple and wonderful way for all of us because nature has solutions for all problems but we have to find them.

Just as good moments play a role in increasing our vivacity, bad moments play a role in destroying our mentality, so we should all try to keep a good mentality in the proximity of nature, so that the feelings of bad moments can be quickly lost in the liveliness of green.

All are my original Photography, device Redmi 9 from Uttara.

Thanks all.




I am a determined girl, I want to take myself to great heights. I know the challenge is tough, but I still want to go ahead and test my abilities. I don't want to lose before I lose, but I want to win through struggle. I love to write, I love to express my imagination.

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