Great graffiti sightings - my Wednesday walk

Friends, Happy Wednesday everyone.

Today was a beautiful and bright day, although there were clouds in the sky since morning. But the weather was clear and warm, as there was no rain all day today. Due to which I was outside for a long time today, although the atmosphere of the city has not yet returned to normal, there is still a sense of uneasiness in people's minds.

But one thing that is now most prevalent on every street wall in our city is the beautiful use of the language of protest. Especially with the change of government this time, everyone is trying to use this new language of protest from different positions. In this field the students of schools and colleges of every area are leading here.

While walking through a residential area today, I noticed an attempt to do numerous such graffiti all over the walls through a very nice arrangement, which caught my attention. To be honest, I also like the matter, the language of protest should be a little so that people don't have to suffer so much.

Look, the way protests are done in a country like ours is not right at all, there should not be any protest by stopping the road or stopping the vehicles suddenly at time or time, it increases the suffering of common people a lot. But if the profit is made, the suffering of the common people is less. For this reason, it has become very popular in our city, which I also like to see.

Protests have many languages, can be done in many ways and can be supported by ordinary people. For example, look at these scenes, how beautifully they express their thoughts on the wall.

The language of protest should be beautiful, it should be effectively accepted by all, only then mass revolution is possible. But it is definitely not good to harm the country.

Indeed, while walking today, I watched these scenes very carefully without looking at the surrounding nature and tried to understand the language of the paintings. I hope you had a good Wednesday.

All are my original Photography.

Thanks all.




I am a determined girl, I want to take myself to great heights. I know the challenge is tough, but I still want to go ahead and test my abilities. I don't want to lose before I lose, but I want to win through struggle. I love to write, I love to express my imagination.

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