Fungi Friday - Nature's best Attraction

Friends, Happy Friday everyone.

The start of today's day has started with a very beautiful and beautiful nature, honestly a great atmosphere of fascination is seen in the midst of nature. Because today's environment is quite sunny and warm after a few days of continuous rain. Due to rainfall, nature kept everything wet for a little longer and it helped to create many things in nature.

Especially one of the attractions of nature is mushroom, which looks very beautiful. Because something like whiteness in the midst of green and fresh nature makes a smile and attracts everyone's attention to nature. I find this very interesting.

Look, nature is so beautiful, everything in it is also beautiful, and then if such white and white mushrooms are scattered in nature, then it becomes more attractive in no time. It seems that something is trying to express its beauty in nature, although not for very long. But still creating a great environment by showing their superiority in the green.

Well, have you ever enjoyed the beauty of mushrooms around your house or in the green grass? Have you seen something like white spread among the green nature?

Think about it, we may have seen many things around our house, which we had a bit of fun but then maybe we didn't understand what they are? Why are they made and what are their benefits? Because of which we were not interested in them in the beginning. But now we know everything, so we are a little more interested in them.

Yes, mushrooms do not mean that they are not good to eat, because even though they look like mushrooms, not all of them are safe for us, but some are very poisonous, which are fungi, so it is not right to get interested in them without understanding or being sure.

I found some scenes around which I tried to share through today's post. First scenes I captured scenes of mushroom growing between bricks then tried to capture beautiful scenes holding their own in green grass. I actually liked the scenes.

All are my original Photography.

Thanks all.




I am a determined girl, I want to take myself to great heights. I know the challenge is tough, but I still want to go ahead and test my abilities. I don't want to lose before I lose, but I want to win through struggle. I love to write, I love to express my imagination.

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