Behind Imperfection is only Emptiness | Sense of Experience

Friends, Happy Thursday everyone.

Today started with a nice atmosphere but there was a lot of anxiety throughout the day. Because a special event that has been held for the past fifteen years was closed today. Due to which conflict or creating a turbulent environment, because the political environment of our country has not become so sincere yet. Past events still haunt the mind.

Yet we are optimistic that the environment and situation will change, with development the touch of modernity will return to our city and country as well. We believe in reforming with change, hopefully such a beautiful environment awaits us.

Today I will share some different experiences of the heart, but of course I will try to write them in accordance with reality and in the light of life experience. Every event or experience in our real life teaches us to think and understand everything in a new way. If we think a little deeply about them, do a little research on them with a calm mind, then maybe we will be able to find out the solution of many things very easily.

Behind each of our imperfections, a void is created, behind each of our failures, a disappointment is created, but why? We don't think about it, we don't try to consider the reasons for failure, we don't try to find where the weakness was.

This is our biggest failure, because when we fail, we leave everything behind, leave the path and get lost in the darkness. But I don't try to look for the following problems or weaknesses, I don't try to know what role was more effective behind the failure. This may be the reason why our progress stops, we become motionless. I have seen this harsh reality up close many times, but I have never seen anyone walk around anew. This condition is present in everyone around you, maybe we see some of them and some of them disappear in silence and do not manifest. Because of which everything does not come forward.

The question is also made here, why everyone does not want to turn around after considering everything? Why is everyone so afraid to find weakness? Because we have lost confidence, we have lost courage, so we have become weak.

See we are afraid to move anew, because our confidence is broken. A fear has formed in my mind that I will fail if I try again. People around us create the impression that I am not good enough, this belief blocks our path and does not allow us to move forward. There is a matter of motivation, but in our society there is no motivation maker, everyone just tries to discourage. So there is a social or family mistrust, the influence of which falls on us the most and plays an effective role in depressing us.

We know that no matter how long the night is, it is not eternal and no matter how beautiful the day is, it will end in darkness. But I don't believe that failure, no matter how painful it is, should be eclipsed by the beautiful feeling of success. Turning around is not victory but a step towards victory, just like failure is not the end but a new opportunity to prove yourself anew.

All are my original Photography.

Thanks all.




I am a determined girl, I want to take myself to great heights. I know the challenge is tough, but I still want to go ahead and test my abilities. I don't want to lose before I lose, but I want to win through struggle. I love to write, I love to express my imagination.

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