Family Time at Lancok Beach North Aceh


Hello hivers, how are you all? I hope everyone is given health always so that you can continue to do your daily activities, and don't forget to keep writing or posting useful articles for other hivers in all corners of the world.

A few days ago, precisely on October 30 on a Sunday, my family and I went on vacation to spend the weekend on Sunday. and we visited one of the local destinations located on the north aceh lancok beach, lancok beach is very well known by people outside the area because with a very beautiful natural charm, there are many trees so that the air there is very cold.

My family and I went to this lancok beach using 2 four-wheeled vehicles, one was owned by my biological mother and the other vehicle was owned by my brother, the Avanza brand.

And my family also didn't forget to invite one of my GPS coffee shop employees to come with us to spend the weekend on the beach in North Aceh.

Arriving at the north aceh lancok beach, my family and I ordered several types of food available there, and we stopped at the bing apanoh noodle cottage, this is a very famous cottage, because the CEO of the bing apanoh noodle hut always promotes the place through several social media such as Instagram, Facebook and others.

And this cottage is very famous for its noodles plus crab, and the price is also quite expensive, because the crabs used are large, and the price is 60 thousand rupiah for a serving plate.

Not long after, the food and drinks that had been ordered by my family arrived, for the food we ordered there were four plates of fried potatoes, then there was 1 portion of chicken nuged and added with 3 servings of shrimp noodles on a dinner plate. and for drinks there are cold tea, hot coffee, cold nutrisari and several others.

Anyway, my family and I really enjoyed our weekend at the Lancok beach, North Aceh, because here there are various types of food and drinks that are delicious and fresh. and also for nature here is not inferior to other tourist attractions as well.

Maybe until here, my writing on this occasion is about a weekend or weekend vacation with my family and also my brother, see you in my next post, Thank you very much.

All images shot by : Redmi Note 10 Pro
Best Regard, @salimuddin

1DeviceXiaomi Redmi 10 Pro
2LocationLancok Beach
4ObjectFamily & View

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