Hello, everyone!!! It feels like just yesterday I posted my last blog, but it’s actually been a whole week and 2 days already.😗 Time really flies, doesn’t it? I hope you are all doing well. I’m guessing most of you are quite busy with school right now, just like me. Senior year is no joke! The workload can be overwhelming, but I’m doing my best to keep up.(Don't give up!💪)

Right now, my schedule is packed with activities like reporting projects, upcoming tests, and filming assignments. Specifically, 21st Century subject for filming. Oral communication and Earth Science for the reportings, and Pre-calculus and General Mathematics for the upcoming tests🥲. It is a lot of work, but honestly, it’s been pretty manageable so far(soo farrr). The real challenge is balancing everything and staying on top of it all before things start to get really hectic. It's quite hard to do balancing when you're too tired to do things when you get home.



I'd like to introduce you all to our beloved school, San Remigio National High School. This photo was taken during lunch, right before I was about to eat. The green scenery and the warm sunlight were just too beautiful to ignore, so I have decided to capture the moment.

This time, I was with my group mates as we’re working on a filming project. We’ve been recording role-plays and individual thoughts about martial law in the Philippines during the 1970s. It has been a challenging task, especially with the intense heat from the sun.

Honestly, the sun has been taking a toll on me. I’m not very heat-tolerant, and I get weak pretty quickly when I’m out in the sun for too long. Even with my photochromic glasses, my eyes are still hurting from the bright light. It feels like I’m baking inside an oven.😔 Despite the challenges, I was trying my best not to fall and we were pushing through and making the most of the day.

(this photo was taken by one of my classmates)




The scenery at our school is just so satisfying. Everywhere I look, it’s like a picture waiting to be taken. The mix of nature and buildings creates this perfect balance that’s both peaceful and inspiring. I often find myself daydreaming about how nice it would be to just sit quietly and take it all in, with no one else around. Just me and the beauty of the surroundings. It’s the kind of place where you can feel a sense of calm, even in the middle of a busy school day.

Even when I’m riding the school bus, I can't help but notice how the view outside feels like something out of an animated movie. It was almost like a scene from a romance film, with the way the light filters through the trees and casts soft shadows. It’s these little moments that make me appreciate the simple things, like the peaceful ride to school.

This day, I had to rush to catch the bus because I was running late. Usually, I’m good at managing my time in the morning, but today things didn’t go as planned😂. Luckily, I made it to school just in time. We had a big test scheduled, and I was relieved that I had prepared for it. I’m not sure how I would have managed if I hadn’t studied the night before. I was so focused on getting to school that I almost forgot to hand in our class cards for attendance. Thankfully, our teacher was kind enough to accept them since she saw me at the flag ceremony earlier, even though it was inside the classroom.

The day didn’t get any easier from there. It was one of those days where every subject seemed to have a test or an activity lined up🥲. By the end of the day, I felt pretty drained. We’re all trying to keep up with the workload, but it’s definitely a challenge. On top of all the tests and assignments, we still have a filming project that needs to be finished soon. The deadline is creeping up, and it’s been hard to find time to get everything done. Balancing all these tasks has been tough, and I know I’m not the only one feeling the pressure.

Despite the hectic day, I tried to stay positive. I kept reminding myself that it’s all part of the process, and once we get through these busy weeks, things will hopefully calm down a bit. It’s days like these that make me appreciate the little moments of peace, like the quiet ride on the bus or the chance to just take in the beautiful scenery at school.



(these photos was taken by one of my classmates as well, he's a photographer😉)

I really appreciate moments like this!!🙉 Candid photos are special to me, even if I don’t always look great in them, haha. I’m grateful for these pictures because I love modeling and photography. Sometimes, I imagine these photos as if they’re scenes from a high school romance movie, maybe one set in Thailand😗. It’s a little funny, but they make me smile.

The second picture was taken during our first HPTA meeting as senior high students. I was the emcee, so I didn’t end up in many of the photos.😔 But that’s okay. I was actually dealing with a sore throat that day, and I’m starting to think I should stop drinking so much cold water. But with this heat, it’s hard to give up!



This picture was taken earlier today. We were helping out with our church’s clean-up activity, which we do every Saturday to get the place ready for Sunday. Since we are all youth, it wasn’t too hard to lend a hand and we also had a lot of fun doing it(even though it's tiring sometimes). We spent most of the time laughing and chatting about different things. While we cleaned, we also took some pictures which was a good workout too!

It felt great to get some exercise and reconnect with nature, especially since we’re usually so focused on schoolwork. Speaking of school, I haven’t touched my assignments yet, but I’ll get to them tomorrow. Cramming is kind of my thing, haha.😆

These are my friends in the photo. They’re hilarious, and sometimes their jokes and laughter are just what I need. I’m really glad to have them as friends.

Lastly, I want to share this beautiful pink flower and the stunning sunset we saw while walking back home. The girl in the photo is my best friend. She asked if I could take a picture of her with the sunset, and of course, I was happy to do it. I’ll be including her in this blog, and don't worry, I already asked for her permission.😚

Before I finish, I’d like to leave you with a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn.” Just like the sunset in our photo, it’s a reminder that even as one day ends, it brings hope for a new beginning.

That’s all for today’s blog! I hope you enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. I really appreciate it! I’m @saixieh, and I’m looking forward to sharing more with all of you. Until next time, dear readers! Sayonara!☺️💜

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