Hello, everyone! It's been a week since my last post, haha. I've been so busy lately that I just ran out of energy to write new blogs. The past week has been filled with school activities, deadlines, and projects that seemed never-ending. My days were completely packed, and by the time I got home, all I wanted to do was crash into bed.

On top of that, thereā€™s been a bit of a family situation at home. Itā€™s been stressful and distracting, and honestly, itā€™s been hard to find the time or motivation to sit down and write. I wonā€™t get into too much detail, but letā€™s just say it added another layer of challenge to an already hectic week. I really appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. It took me a while to get back to this, but here I am!



Despite all thatā€™s been happening, Iā€™ve realized how much I missed writing and sharing my thoughts with all of you. And, of course, sharing my journeys with all of you makes it all more worthwhile. Itā€™s been a crazy week, but I'm glad to finally be back at my keyboard.

I know life can get so busy that we forget to take a moment to breathe and enjoy the little things. Thatā€™s why I hope you can take some time out of your day to read my new blog. Iā€™ve put my effort into this onešŸ˜…, and I hope it brings you some joy, comfort, or just a bit of a break from your own hectic routine. Your support means a lot to me, and I am so grateful for every single one of you who takes the time to read my posts.

So, please take a moment to check it out, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for being here, for your patience, and for always coming back to read my thoughts. I can't wait to hear what you think!



So, let me share with you what we did this week, including all our activities! It was quite an eventful week, to say the least. We started with some planning for our group project, and we managed to get some parts done at school. But then, things got a little complicated because we were actually not allowed to meet up outside of school due to some rules.

However, we got a lucky break when one of our classmate's families invited us to their house for a small gathering. One of their family friends was celebrating a birthday, and they wanted us to come over and join the celebration. We decided to take this opportunity to also work on our Oral Communication project since it was hard to find another time to meet up.

So, off we went to our classmate's house, which was really close to mine. It was a perfect excuse to finally get together!šŸ˜„ We enjoyed the food and took part in the festivities, but we didn't forget the main reason we were there. We made sure to take advantage of the situation by working on our project amidst all the fun. Balancing work and celebration wasn't easy, but it made the activity memorable and enjoyable!



This was the project we made, and our teamwork was great!!! Some of us were busy with the cutouts and other tasks, while I focused on the design. I even stayed until almost 11 PM to finish it šŸ˜Ø haha. My parents were worried, but I explained to them that I needed to get it done because I still had a lot of other things to do. Procrastination isn't really my thing, so I pushed myself to work quickly while keeping an eye on the time. Even though I was really sleepy, I managed to push through. It wasn't easy, lol. But once I finished, I finally went home and got some much-needed rest.


When the day came, it was finally time to show our masterpiece (masterpiece? Huiee~). We were all excited and a bit nervous because our project was to be graded based on a set of criteria by four people. After some discussion, we decided to choose two teachers we were familiar with, and for a bit of fun, we even asked one of the guards to be one of the judges. Everyone got a kick out of that, and it definitely added some extra excitement to the day!

But then, just as we were in the middle of getting our grades, it suddenly started raining! We were all caught off guard and ended up looking like "basang sisiw" (drenched chicks)šŸ˜­. There was a lot of scrambling and laughter as we tried to keep our project from getting soaked. Thankfully, there was only one person left to judge our project, so we rushed over, doing our best to protect it from the rain. Once we got the final grade, we took a group photo to capture the moment. We were already soaked, but we didnā€™t careā€”it was a memory we wanted to keep!

Before the rain hit, we had managed to take another picture, so at least we had one where we werenā€™t all dripping wet! After that, we headed back to our classroom to dry off and catch our breath. It was such a relief to finally be done, especially as we watched other groups still roaming around the campus, trying to finish their presentations in the rain.






As we sat there in our classroom, still drying off and laughing about the dayā€™s events, I realized how much these little moments matter. It's not always about the grades or the perfect execution of a plan. Sometimes, itā€™s about the unexpected twists, the laughter in between, and the way everyone pulls together, even when things go sideways. We might have ended up soaked to the bonešŸ˜‚, but we also ended up with a great story to tell and a memory that none of us will forget anytime soon.

Looking back, Iā€™m glad we didnā€™t let the rain dampen our spirits. Instead, we embraced it, turned it into something fun, and ended up feeling closer as a group. I think thatā€™s what made this experience so special, it reminded us that thereā€™s always something to smile about, even on the rainiest days.

So, that wraps up my week! It was hectic, messy, and even a bit wet, but it was also filled with teamwork, laughter, and a lot of unforgettable moments. Sometimes, things donā€™t go as planned, but thatā€™s what makes life interesting, right? Thanks so much for reading and joining me on this crazy journey. I, @saixieh, hoped you enjoyed reading about our little adventure as much as I enjoyed sharing it. Until next time, take care, and donā€™t forget to find joy in the little thingsā€”even in the rain!

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