Vibrant of color with Tung flag of Esan

Good day and Good afternoon dear asean hivers. How are you today? Today i wanted to share with you one and once in a year of event - the silk festival from Khon Kean Thailand. Which takes place from 1 - 12 Dec. Admission and car park is FREE for all. So join me and I'll bring you around.

Outside the event is packed with night market. Yup Thai loves night market as it generate and boost the economy for all. But today I'll skip the walk at night market and straight headed to the main event.

Singing which perform on the 2nd floor with lower floor selling food. One of the remarkable scene.

All these were handmade called Tung flag of Esan

Hallway of Tung Flags. With number of color and design and pattern. Bring you a WOW upon feeling the atmosphere here.

Not only Tung flags, there's also traditional performance over here as well.

Each house represent different performance from different city from Esan.

Kids waiting their turn. They start training since the age of 7. Impressive.

Hehe we have different decorations too.

Close up shot for Tung flag. A bit blur due to windy moving flags.

Another side with different performance. Awaiting for their turn after the speech finished.

Ladies with traditional dress awaiting to perform shortly.

Well that's for today. Hope you like the tradition festival from here. See you around soon. Bye ~

  • All images are non edited and non process which I wanted to present you the most authentic as ever*
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