ASEAN Hive Challenge "Paws & Claws" - Meet Herry the Beagle

Good day Hivers and Hello there. So sorry for the past few days as less active due to ecency team making new changes and I'm loving it. Now where shall we start?

Owner sticking pearl on my face for fresher looks. What do you think

Hi all, my name is Herry the beagle from Thailand. I do have paws but dont have claws. I'm the one which my owner reiden always talking about. So join me for today's challenge.

I'm currently at the local market. I love exploring around as owner will put me in my stroller as my current weight is 18kg by now. That's why owner himself cant carry me anymoreπŸ˜†πŸ˜†

As there's 3 days special for KFC food truck over here. So I decided to tag along with owner see what does he bought? Hopefully he doesn't forget about my share too.

Let's have a swim!! This summer my owner he took me go to the nearest beach for a swim. What he did is let me swim with gold necklace.

Hmm what is this smells? Smells like awful, but why is my owner love eating it? I havent smell anything like this before. They called it durian Mon Thong. Is it nice?

Who's the badass in the movie? Yup surely someone with thick gold necklace I guess. Am I right? But I'm not with the bad side, I'm with the good of course.

Enjoying the rainbow after rain, on a table πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Where's mine? Don't just eat yourself. I want KFC too.

Songkran outfit during the Songkran period. I'm ready for water splash anytime from now. Are you ready too. Well that's from me today. Take care my dear. See you around soon.

  • there's a prob that I cant see words count from web ecency during blogging this article*
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