Busy on weekends


Good evening all my friends, on this beautiful evening I will share a little of my experience this weekend, where today is a busy weekend for me, my schedule is very busy and a little tiring, various activities I do today start from sunrise to sunset, and now before i rest i would like first to say hello and share my #weekendexperiences with you guys, this is my series of activities today





As soon as the sun starts to rise, I am immediately preoccupied with my activities as a housewife, starting with cleaning the house, sweeping the yard

After finishing I headed to my father's catfish pond to see the fish eating, I really like to see these little fish in the morning while enjoying the sun which is starting to shine brightly

My house is not far from the beach, therefore even though the weather is hot, the breeze from the ocean makes the air feel very fresh in the morning. While looking at the fish pond, I also pulled out some grass in my father's cassava garden, but I couldn't. too long here because I have to hurry to accompany my aunt who wants to apply for a daughter who has been coveted by my aunt's son (my cousin)



This was supposed to be my younger brother's share accompanying my aunt, but because he had left, I had to accompany this proposal procession, no one else could drive, there was only my father, he was busy with his own work, no day off at my father's job, after everything was settled, we left, and in my car it was my aunt, mother, and some of my other family





This application event was simple, there were only us and also a few parents who were supposed to be at this application event, even so this event lasted a long time, and what you can see in the bottom photo is my aunt and her future son-in-law, they took a photo after the installation process engagement ring is complete

In my place, a process like this has been a custom and culture that has existed for a long time, every time someone wants to get married, before the wedding there will definitely be a traditional event like this, which aims to stay in touch and also to set the wedding and party schedule. sounds confusing maybe to you, but we are used to customs like that, weddings and weddings often don't happen on the same day, that's the point, and so are the customs that we have carried out, even though it's simple it still has to be done

Around 2 pm this event was over and when I got home, I even went straight to the kitchen to start preparing some of my wares, time was running out and I was in a bit of a rush, my mother and older sister also helped even though we were all still working. tired from the trip





Today I even went past my nap, I can't be without selling, because I don't want to disappoint my regular customers, and this is how I'm busy every afternoon if I don't do bridal makeup or don't have a job in my main business, I will do anything during that still on the right path, even there is no such thing as prestige in my life in order to realize my biggest wish this year, I want to build a house of my own soon

That's my weekend experience today, busy with work and also a little tiring, even so I'm still grateful and happy to be able to enjoy this beautiful life, despair is not my nature, if you read my introductory post then surely you will know a little about myself

That's all I can write tonight, I hope you have a great weekend and see you next time 😊😇

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