10 photos of my cousin's happy moments


Good evening all my friends, on this beautiful evening I will share some pictures that I took when one of my cousins ​​got married, and I happen to be the one who did the makeup for the bride, who is also someone I know very well. some of the pictures I took from the wedding hall to the pictures during the housewarming, everything related to this event is the result of my work, from makeup, decorations, traditional clothes, and also photos that I took a few days ago and I summarize being one, after getting permission from both of them then I no longer have to worry about publishing their faces here






The man is my cousin, and he is the older brother of @roronoa46, they have just had a happy day together with the woman who has won his heart, I am also happy to be able to experience my cousin's happy moment, but here I do not make about make up tutorials or decorations, but only showing some of my best photos, and a little bit about our culture

The clothes worn by the bride and groom are Acehnese traditional clothes which are very thick with culture, the names of all parts of these clothes have their own names and meanings, and they are all dominated by the clothes worn by the bridegroom, here are some explanations that I know about this traditional dress

  • meukasah

Meukasah is a wedge worn by the bridegroom, which has the meaning of patience and also fertility to continue to be able to add to the next generation of his descendants later, and this shirt has been around for hundreds of years, and as far as I know, this meukasan (shirt) was embroidered with thread silk, but in the modern era like today, several other materials can also be found, of course without reducing the value of the culture itself

  • siluweu & ija sangket

Seluweu are pants that are worn in an appropriate suit, and usually these pants are black which is also our Acehnese custom, while ija sangket is a sarong that is wrapped around the groom's waist, but for this I don't understand the meaning of the sarong and pants

  • meukeutop

Meukeutop is a hat worn by the groom, which means the strong influence of Islam in Aceh, and this hat was adopted from the style of clothing of ancient Turkish kings, and is still preserved today.

  • rencong

Rencong is a keris which is a typical Acehnese weapon, but here it is not for war, but to complement custom, which means that an Acehnese man must be brave and firm in making decisions, on the right path of course

That's what little I know about the names and meanings contained in these traditional clothes, and it is my duty to learn them, because I am the person who provides these traditional clothes rental services, as well as the clothes worn by the bride, the meaning of the clothes worn in his ascension not too much different from the groom's attire





These are the clothes and some photos that I took after the marriage ceremony was over, one of the pictures is in the wedding hall and the other pictures I took at the bride's house while entertaining the groom's family, and this is not a wedding but just a thanksgiving event

In one of the photos you can see a woman holding the leaves and shaking the two couples, that is also one of our cultural traditions that we usually call peusijuek which means thanksgiving for having succeeded in achieving its goal, and peusijek this does not only apply to weddings, in all events it is usually always started with this peusijuek, which is still preserved today


The last one is a family photo, and this doesn't mean anything just to complement it, but what you see in the picture is not the parents of the bride and groom, but it's our family, and that's the best family picture I have

Those are some pictures and glimpses of cultural customs that I can write about tonight, until we meet again on another occasion

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