Would you rather spend your free time reading a book or watching a movie?

If you ask me, when I have free time, I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I love reading because it makes my world seem different, which is why I first love the feeling of it. I feel like I'm traveling to a different world when I read a book because I feel like I can interact with the characters and people in it. I get to visit various locations and investigate various ideas and concepts.

Img from unsplash.com by Annie Spratt

In addition, when I read a book, I can pick up new words and expand my vocabulary. Reading a book helps me relax and take my thoughts off of any issues or stress I may be going through.

Naturally though, I'm not always in the mood to read. It also depends on how I'm feeling and the book or movie's genre. For instance, I like to watch a movie when all I want to do is unwind and take in the visual effects. I have more fun watching movies with special effects, gorgeous scenery, and original plotlines than I do reading books.

Reading books also gives me the chance to pick the author's brain about new concepts and ideas. I gain insight into the author's ideas and thoughts in addition to the book's narrative. Reading a book gives me a fresh viewpoint, which helps me learn something new and broaden my knowledge.

Overall, I still find that reading a book is preferable to watching a movie because reading allows me to explore a wider world. It has a special impact on me and is both calming and educational to read a book. Naturally, it still depends on how I'm feeling and what I want at the time. I occasionally prefer to watch a movie, especially when I just want to relax and take in the interesting visual effects.

How about you?

Would you rather spend your free time reading a book or watching a movie?

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Img sources:

unsplash.com by charlesdeluvio

unsplash.com by Blaz Photo

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