My First Pair of Shoes Using My Own Money

If you take good care of your things, it will last longer.

Six years ago, I still recall the day I purchased my Vans shoes. Just to be able to afford them, I had to save money for months. It cost me around 60 bucks I can still picture myself staring at them in the store, mesmerized by their understated yet classic design. They were the ideal pair of shoes for me because they could be worn on any occasion.

Even the box is still there. But it's now so dirty and full of dusts.

I was aware that I needed to take good care of it despite the cost. After every use, I always made sure to clean it, get rid of any stains or dirt, and store it properly. I also didn't wear it when I knew I would be walking on muddy ground or on days when it was raining.

My Vans shoes lasted for years as a result. It still had a brand-new appearance and was cozy to wear. Even my friends and classmates complimented me on how well my shoes had held up and expressed their amazement.

My Vans shoes joined me wherever I went the moment I put them on. During my high school years, they walked to school every day with me. They endured the long walks and rough terrains, but they never faltered. They were consistently cozy and dependable.

I did, however, wear my Vans outside of the classroom. They were also my go-to footwear for outings with friends. I wore them on my first date, shopping trips, and late-night food runs. They represented my identity and personal preferences.

My Vans shoes were always with me, even when I was playing basketball after class with my classmates. They provided adequate support and traction, making them ideal for the activity. Even when I was making difficult shots or sprinting across the court, they never let me down.

But more than just my shoes held up longer as a result of the care I gave them. I also realized that this concept could be useful in other areas of my life. My possessions lasted longer and provided more value the better care I gave them.

I used this strategy when it came to my phone, my clothes, and even my romantic relationships. I realized that by taking good care of the things that matter to me, they will last longer and make me happier.

I've had my Vans shoes for six years at this point. They are still in good shape despite a few dings and dents. With me, they have experienced a lot, and I am appreciative of every second we have spent together.

In the end, my Vans shoes taught me a priceless lesson. If you treat your possessions with care, they will last longer. This idea, which is not limited to material possessions, can also have an impact on the people and relationships in our lives.

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