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Hello to all of my hive friends. A beautiful morning to you all .How are you all. Hope everyone doing well and enjoying the day. I'm @onlygods55 . Today I want to share some beautiful pictures of my own flowers plant in my hall room . Hope everyone enjoy the blog . Thank you all .

I woke up in the early morning and going outside from my room and feel the fresh air. I saw a airplane fly in the middle of the morning sky and quickly I try take a beautiful picture of the airplane. Here I share the picture . Hope everyone love it.

Every morning I woke up early and my first work is to take care of my those flowers plants and give them proper water for their healthy growth.

There are different types of flowers plant,some of little plants like cactus, alu vera and many more . Here I share some wonderful pictures that I taken in this early morning and share with all of you . Hope everyone enjoy and love it .

Basically I live in Sylhet and as a student of university, I stay at my university campus hall. Growing those beautiful plants is my hobby .

I spend most of my free time to take care of those plants. This plants increase the beauty of my hall and my room. My friends inspired me by giving more motivation about those plants . This give me pleasure and refresh my mindset.

There are a rose flower plant in front of my hall . Everyday a new rose blooming in those rose plant. Rose is a sign of love and one of the most beautiful flower plant . Here I share a beautiful picture of those rose which is blooming today morning.

That's all for today. Hope everyone enjoy the moments. again it's me @onlygods55 . It is a great pleasure for me to share some wonderful pictures of my plants with everyone.
Thanks for reading.
Have a great beautiful day ahead!

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