Wednesday Walk That Make Me Smile !

Good afternoon everyone. Today is already Sunday and perhaps my Wednesday walk could no longer make you smile but I am here to share what had has been happening yesterday. It was a real Wednesday walk that made me smile.

Anyway, I would like to introduce myself to this ASEAN HIVE community. This is my first time I join here and I hope it could be something memorable. I am @olivia08, a Filipina working in Saudi Arabia for 23 years and trying my luck here in hive blockchain. I am a 51 years widow for 17 years, a mother of 1 child, and my grandmother's of two grandchildren.


Happy Mother's Day to all of us, to all your mother there.

It is already Sunday and this post is still unfinished. Again, it was last Wednesday when the daughter of my boss drive me to the bank. It was supposed to be my intended walked alone to deposit my money in the nearby ATM but they were afraid for my safety. Yes, I her drive but when we arrived there, there were no deposits allowed and forced me to come back at noon.

This is how they look at the street at dawn.


When we came back home, the sun had risen and I told my lady driver to dropped me halfway to our house. I need to pick some flowers for replanting in my flower garden.

What a wonderful day as I was walking on a cold morning as the sun started to shine.


I found the signboard as the road was under repair. Some so many men arrived at this place to start their work. I ignored them.


  • I took then a stolen shot*

Detour warning sign was there on the center island and I have to go to the other side of the street for home.

Look at the empty street near our house. This is supposed to be a busy street nut empty because of the pandemic and Ramadan

I got home safely and this is the home of my boss and became my second home for hoe many long years.

Second walk at noontime last Wednesday

I must send the money so I need to go back to the bank. The lady was already sleeping so I need to walk again.

It was too extremely hot but I need to go. I used my umbrella and sunglasses to protect myself. the direct hot sunlight.


  • I arrived at the bank and ATM MACHINE already accepted my cash. I successfully deposited my cash.*

On my way back home, I tried to pass by on the other side for the first time.


I was crossing to this center circle bound to the other side for my way back home. My target was the picking of flowers.

The landmark left side to our house. I found the park empty and I enjoyed my walk.

This is the park that I never visit though it is just a walking distance to our house.

Well, it is already long and my time is up. I need to get ready for the breaking of the fast. Today is the 27th day of Ramadan. I need my time in the kitchen right now. The time is 3:10 pm. So I decided to stop at this point and the more exciting walk will be written as part 2 to this Wednesday day walk thst really made me smile.

I would like to appreciate the come back of @tattoo-djay and @elizacheng for this initiative. And in behslf ofy friends here in the blockchain, I would like yo extend my wishes for @elizacheng about her sister in law that was infected with the coronaviruss. Keep safe Ma'am. I hope that everything will be gonna fine.

Thank you and Hive on!


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