Thursday - Taking Care of My Garden

Early in the morning, I went to the rooftop. Everytime I am feeling down, that is the best place for me to unwind. I want to go outside, to the sea or somewhere but they are no longer going there. They are always busy.

During Wednesday night, at 7pm, I was mesmerizing the moment. I catched up the rise of the full moon but it was not visible as it was covered by the high mountains in the nearby town. I saw the moon when it was already 8pm.

The moon at 10pm when I threw the garbage.

The moon at dawn before the sun rises. If I have a good camera, maybe I can have the best photography.

I was waiting the sunrise while drinking a glass of tea.

Selfie at dawn in the rooftop.

In The Garden

The grasshopper eat all the leaves of the new planted moringa. This is the second time my moringa's leave is gone and I found the grasshopper relaxed on the branches.


I harvested spring onion leaves only and cherry tomatoes for my breakfast.

My breakfast consist of eggs, tomatoes and spring onions.

In the afternoon I cooked food for lunch but it was already night, they didnt eat until their son arrived and they had their dinner instead of lunch. Reheating all the foods consumed time and wasting gas but its not my fault. I cooked earlier but they were sleeping whole day.

Sentimental Night

All the time, my vacant hour I put it in my blogging. I have passive income in many platforms. Hive is helping me and thank you for all your support.

There are people who inspired me and there are people who make me cry. I love them all especially my family. Thank you everyone. One day I will be looking back those who are in my side. Even those people who hurt me, I count on you because the hurt that I feel made me more stronger and I learned to pick a lesson which is beneficial to build myself better that what I was before.

I have Appics, and new one that we earned millix.




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