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fishing on the beach

Good morning all friends everywhere. On this beautiful morning, my colleagues and I started a hobby, namely fishing on one of the most beautiful beaches in Aceh.

For friends who have a hobby of fishing on land, they are already familiar with the atmosphere on the shoreline which is so beautiful and enchanting and far from the crowds so that it can eliminate all the boredom that friends have been feeling.

Do you know my friends, why do I prefer fishing on land rather than in the ocean, the reason is because I am an ocean drunk. I really can't sail because it can make my stomach sick and I can vomit with the waves that make the boat I'm traveling on shake.

Even though the catch of fishing on land is not as much as that obtained by friends who fish out to sea far away by using a simple boat or canoe, but fishing on land can reduce the risk, therefore I prefer fishing on land rather than fishing in the ocean there, sizeg the fish we get fishing on the mainland by fishing on the high seas are also much different, usually the size of the fish we get on the high seas is bigger and more numerous compared to fishing on the mainland.

I, when I go fishing on land, I usually always go with friends who have one hobby, sometimes with 5 to 12 people so it's very exciting and fun because anglers can joke with each other to get rid of boredom when no fish has been caught by the fishing rod😂

Today I tried my luck again and hoped to bring home at least 7 kilos of fish. I really hope because so far I have never caught fish again. If I can bring the fish home today, it will pay off the previous times I haven't gotten it

For friends, please pray for me so that I can bring home my favorite fish, at least 7 kilos, to increase my enthusiasm for fishing again in the future. Greetings One Hobby

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