Purchasing Books & Charity

Alright, hello everyone! I'm so excited to share my school activities with you all today. I just got back from running some errands, and one of the things I did was go to the place near my school where they print the papers.

After I finished up that work, I headed straight to school. When I arrived on the first floor, I was pleasantly surprised to see that there were so many book exhibits set up on the tables. It looks like they were having a big sale, with all the books being heavily discounted.

As I browsed through the selection, I was really impressed

by how interesting and diverse the books were. There were novels in both Khmer and English, as well as all kinds of other genres and subjects. What's really cool is that a portion of the profits from the book sales are actually being donated to local hospitals and charities to help out kids in need.

I spent quite a while perusing the different titles, and I ended up finding a few books that I'm really excited to dive into. It's awesome that the school is doing this book sale - not only does it make reading more accessible, but the fact that they're using the proceeds to give back to the community is just fantastic.

All in all, it was a really productive and rewarding day for me. I'm grateful that I was able to take care of my work stuff, and then stumble upon this awesome book sale at school. I can't wait to see what other exciting activities and opportunities come up in the future.

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