Raised bed project... took me a while

Hello, my friends! Welcome to my blog. How are you today? I hope you're having a wonderful day. For me, it's a relaxing day, so I've spent most of it relax and chill, taking it easy, and even taking a nap. But I wanted to share a little story about one of my recent projects. Among many things, I’d like to tell you about my raised bed project. This idea came from our love for gardening and harvesting fresh produce from our small garden around the house.

I decided to repurpose an old, broken water tank that had been leaking for some time which was over a decade old! I thought turning it into a raised bed would be a great idea. I’ve never done this before, so I’m hoping it will turn out well.

It took me more than two hours to cut the tank into four equal parts using a small, dull saw, I didn't have anything better so I used what I had. The next step will be to fill them with organic waste and better soil, which I think will be the most challenging part. At the moment, I’ve already filled half of the raised bed with mostly grass and some fruit peels. I haven’t added the soil yet, and honestly, I'm no expert in this. It's all trial and error, and I’m hoping for the best results.

In the meantime, one of our papaya trees has started regrowing. I had previously cut down the main trunk but left about 2 feet of it standing, and now it has started to grow again. I can't wait for it to bear sweet papayas for our family.

That’s all for today. Wishing you all the best! Until next story to tell.

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