I felt so much better today and harvested some fruits.

Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope everyone is having a great day. Today, my health got a lot better. At the beginning of the week, I was having trouble walking steadily because of vertigo. Today, I felt completely better and had a lot more confidence.

A few days ago, my mother told me that my dad had tried to climb a mangosteen tree but thought it was too dangerous because he got dizzy. This took place while I was still sick. When I heard that, I told my dad not to try it again because it was dangerous and he was too young. I told him I would help him pick mangosteens on Saturday, which is today.

At first, I was going to use a pole, but when I got to the mangosteen tree, I decided to try climbing it instead. I did it without getting dizzy! I kept picking the fruits straight from the tree because I felt good about it. When I first went up there, my mother was worried about my safety. But after more than an hour, she stopped being so worried.

We moved on to gathering langsat fruits after we were done with the mangosteens. I didn't climb the tree this time because the fruit-bearing branches were new shoots that had grown after the tree had been sick. There's the risk that it will not be strong enough to hold me. I used a long bamboo pole instead.

Around 4 PM, we were finally done picking fruit. It was getting late, so the mangosteens we picked that day would be sold the next day. The langsat was just for us to eat. Today was a day of thanks because I knew I had fully healed. After completing these tasks smoothly, my confidence grew.

So, that's all for that day. Thank you so much for the support. I hope everyone has a nice day. Goodbye!

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