Picking coconuts using dry bamboo😊


Assalamualaikum wr wb?
hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are fine wherever you are, well today the weather is so beautiful, what's more, I really want weather like this, it doesn't rain and there is sun, it's not that I don't want rain, but I want to do activities which had been delayed for several days, in the morning as usual I had to sell or look after the kiosk, because there was nothing I could do because my husband had gone out for a while because he wanted to buy oil at the gas station

So I had to sit at the kiosk first at 12 noon. My son came home from school and came to me and sat next to me in his school uniform. Suddenly the package man called me because there was a package that had to be delivered. because this is not the person who usually delivers my package and I gave my address and not long after the package man arrived at my place and gave it to me, and I paid the bill, my first son was so happy because he knew that the contents of the package were are the clothes he wants, for my son Adzriel 2 pairs and also 2 pairs for my youngest son Gibran, I am always fair to both of them, there is no favoritism between them because they are our two favorite sons

After that I put my youngest son to sleep because he was used to napping, and I went to sleep with him and I felt very sleepy so I went to sleep. Besides, my husband was already guarding the stall, at 3 in the afternoon I had to get up and invite my husband to went to the rice fields where there were coconuts because we had to pick them, and had to wait for the youngest to wake up first, it would be a shame if I didn't take him, but it turned out that when he woke up his whole body was very hot and I had to cover him with my mother

We went alone, the youngest stayed with my mother and father at home, we immediately went and brought wood from bamboo because my husband couldn't climb coconuts so we had to use bamboo to pick coconuts, after we finished we went home as quickly as possible Maybe because we remembered my son's weak condition and his hot body, we immediately took him to the nearest clinic






Thanks you


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