A memorable photo of my first son three years ago playing in the rain


Assalamualaikum wr wb?
Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are fine wherever you are. Today the weather is very favorable because last night it rained very hard, so the weather is a little better than the previous day. I almost woke up late this morning because the cool weather made I want to sleep a little longer, my little son also sleeps very soundly, but I can't do that because my son has to go to school

So I have to work as usual because I have to make breakfast and clean my son up for school and after that I have to clean all the rooms in the house so that they look neater and nicer to look at, not messy, because the old saying goes that cleanliness is half that of faith, so I always cleaning the house and dirty places in my yard.

I never feel tired when cleaning the house because I really like cleaning the yard and the room is the business of a woman who always wants to look better to look at.



This is a memorable photo of my first son three years ago and I want to save it here when I was playing with my cellphone and I tried to see the photo on my cellphone. I accidentally found a photo of my son when he was more than 2 years old and I wanted to show it. to you, when my son was little, at that time my husband and I were looking after our stall.

We were talking about silly things with him and my son was very happy and laughed happily when we were relaxing. The weather was starting to get cloudy and I told my husband to immediately close the stall. We were afraid there would be lightning so we immediately closed Kana but it only rained so We didn't go into the house and continued to sit in our bamboo hut.



At that time it was raining very hard. At first my son was very afraid because the rain was very heavy. We continued to sit outside while guarding the kiosk. When the rain started to stop, my son asked to play in the rain. At first I didn't allow him because I looked pitiful and I also let him play in the rain in front of the kiosk and didn't let him go far.

I keep monitoring him because I'm afraid he'll run away especially if he's very close to the side of the road so I keep watching him so he doesn't play far away. My son is very happy when he can play like this. Children really like playing in the rain. Yes, I used to be like that every time. rain asks mother's permission to take a rain shower, this is the happiness of children.


He was a little close to the road and I immediately took him to play closer to me, afraid there would be a train passing by, he continued to play with the rainwater in the bucket, rain is a blessing given by Allah SWT to us so that we can enjoy it. In fact, trees really need rainwater so that the trees can live better.

That's it from me, I hope you like it and thank you very much for stopping by my post, dear.

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