Tuesday. In another two days, it's going to be April of 2022. 4th month of the year 2022. Malaysia's borders are opening.

I am @luueetang. Today, I am going to introduce to you a park that is quite popular. I've posted about this place a couple of months ago. Since then, it has gone through some new updates.



The circle park. The park is extending. Will write it out on a new post when it is completed. A lot of runners and families come here everyday. There are a lot of things to do here from running, jogging, walking, feeding fishes just to name some of the activities to do.

Orang Utans

Mural of the Orang Utan. I've always wanted to see a real one but never have a chance to yet. Cute little ones. These step up logs are found near the entrance of the park. You'll see them as you walk to the pathway.

The Pond


There are two ponds here. Families come here to feed fishes.

The track

One round is 800 metres. Many of Miri's runners train here everyday. It was only recently painted with lines.



Near the toilets, is a beautiful flower bed. Many different flowers to look at. Great to place them next to the toilet as the ammonia smell sometimes gets too strong. These plants do a good job of reducing pungent smell.

My favourite place to sit


While I was here, I flew my drone up from the platform. The water here isn't too deep. So it's safe for everyone to sit there without worrying much.

Security stations


These are installed to ensure public safety. There is a button to press in case of any distress. There are CCTVs installed at the top.

The watch tower


In the first picture from above, this watch tower can be seen. This is in the middle of the park. When the park started very early on, this watchtower was installed. There is a bridge that links one side to the other side.

Recently installed workout area


Pull up bars. Newly installed in the park. There are some who come here to do calisthenics.

Other fun workout equipment


The runners club of Miri takes care of this park. So if there is anything that is broken or needs improvement, it will be reported to the local city council that comes and fixes those problems.

My favourite


Protruding stones of different surface area. The sharp ones are the best. Good massage. The pain is quite addictive for me.

My wife doing some chest press


This machine is designed to use our own body weight as the weight. So when your doing chest workouts, you are pushing against your weight.


I love chest workouts.

Hope that you enjoyed reading this post. Getting some exercise is quite important to get our body's circulation going strong as well as to keep doctors away. DE stresses any anxiety. Changing an environment once in a while is great thing.

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