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I contracted COVID 19 ; How it felt

"I've got bad news, my husband had sore throat & tested positive for Covid 19", my sis told me. A whole bag of test kits were bought at a nearby pharmacy.

A couple of months back, I got my second shot. Fully vaccinated.

Malaysian health app

This is what the vaccination certificate looks like here.

17TH November 2021

I went and get myself tested. Saliva test. Faint positive.
My parents and my wife got their booster shots a month earlier and they tested negative. I was the only one in the house who tested positive fortunately. So I wore mask when I walked around the house or touch things.

So I started my ten day quarantine at home. For those vaccinated, usually, it is only required for individuals to home quarantine for seven days but ten days is a better range and the virus by that time has a lower likelihood of spreading to others.

DAY 1. Count it from the first day of testing positive.

Not much symptoms.

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Months back, I had this strange feeling that I was going to get the Covid 19 somehow.

Day 2 to Day 4

During the day, not much symptoms except a bit of body weakness. As much as I wanted to do workouts, I read that it was advisable to not do any intense workouts yet. The second night, I felt the phlegm in my throat built up to an extreme level that it felt that I needed to crawl out of my own mucus.

When the nights came, my nose got suddenly blocked, then it somehow disappeared. Then I started coughing. It was mild until Day 5.

19th November 2021

The second test after having that faint positive line.

The third day of Covid. I stayed in my room most of the time and occasionally walked out of my room to get some food.

Day 5

The weakest I've been since I contracted the virus. Feeling lethargic most of the time but breathing was still normal. My nose did not really block as much. Except the coughing increased. That night, when I went to bed, I cough like a machine gun. Non stop for hours, my wife could not sleep the whole night while I was awake. I coughed till about 5 am.

Everyday from day 1, I had my daily dose of supplements to increase recovery speed. Vitamin C, Iron , Propolis, multi vitamins.

Day 6

Coughing a lot still, lethargic but phlegm buildup in my throat decreased.
Starting to feel a bit better.

Day 7

Still negative but the line started to look faint. I felt myself recovering.
Throughout the 7 days, I did not have fever at all. If my brother in law never said that he tested positive, I would not even have known that I had Covid 19 as it felt pretty normal.

25th November 2021

9TH day and my results came negative. I was starting to feel a lot better. Still coughing but it wasn't that bad. However, there were still some aftermaths of Covid. I had horrific diarrhea for two days. The first night after I recovered, I had to check in to my toilet each and every hour of the night.

Embarrassingly, at around 4.30 am, after deeply sleeping, I woke up and felt wetness in my pants. It had leaked.

I wanted to write this as an update to what happened after I contracted Covid 19 in an earlier post. My tips for speedy recovery, get enough rest, don't do any intense workout, eat more Vitamin C. If any serious symptoms persist, do visit a doctor immediately. Get vaccinated. If I wasn't vaccinated, I would not have known if my symptoms would have intensified. It isn't as scary as I initially thought.

13 days ago - I tested Positive for Covid 19.