Oops! 👷 Did This Dumptruck Tip Over On Our Land? 🛻


A dumptruck found itself stuck on the edge of a cliff while backfilling our land, and some pretty tense moments followed.

Things Started Out Well 🛻


     Our land has a few tiers, but in general it mostly slopes downhill towards the river. Our next-door neighbor has backfilled their land several meters higher than ours, mostly because their property doesn't reach the river, so they chose to elevate their land as much possible for easy highway access.


     They did nothing for water drainage, and the slope pushed all the water off of their property and onto the old government road. This road was slightly higher than our property, so the purpose of the backfilling project was to keep the water flowing down the middle of the road so it will no longer erode and destroy our property.


     There was one particular place on our land where the government road and cliff's edge are very close, and until the backfill operation began, that space was less than 2 meters wide. This little corner of land is a lower tier and also provides access to the hammock huts. It was important to make this accessible by car again, as we hope to eventually build a bungalow of some kind here.

Fixing The Government's Road 🚜


     As much as I pay the government per year already just legally exist in Cambodia, I try not to financially support it directly in any other ways. Well, the road was so bad we had to have the crew level and grade the road again for easier dumptruck access, so add that cost to my visa payments.

Beware Of Soft Land ⚠️


     As we watched the trucks go in and out, I noticed a pressure wave forming under each truck, and it made the dirt seem as if it was water. This made me a bit concerned that one of the trucks might sink and need to be towed out. I couldn't have imagined how badly a scenario like this would play out though.


     While watching some of the last truckloads, one of the trucks began sinking asymmetrically, and as it was near the cliff edge, I became quickly concerned. By the time the driver had a chance to dump his load, he'd already sunk too much to fully release the load. With the majority of the weight still in the truck, it slowly began tilting towards the river.


     If left for 30 minutes, it would have surely rolled into the river, but the tractor was able to chain up and coax the truck forward to level ground, thus allowing the driver to dump his load without the bossman ever knowing this incident happened.


     There were definitely moments of terror, and I must admit I imagined a worst possible scenario, but luckily the the rest of the day went without any more major hiccups.


     I'm posting this several days later, but just wanted to let you all know that remodeling on the cabin has stopped because my brother-in-law's daughter got in a moto crash and broke her arm badly. We took him back to the provincial capital and just arrived back home yesterday. This explains the late curation posts and voting lapses, sorry folks. In the hospital bed adjacent to his daughter was a man involved in a neighborly machete battle, and the guy looked like ground beef, truly disturbing, but visits to Cambodian public hospitals are always tragic.


Monkey B
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