The 72nd Patronal Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul Parish of Mangagoy Bislig city


Yesterday we celebrate the 72nd Patronal Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul Parish of Mangagoy Bislig city, every July 19th. A big difference when I was young and it's because of the inflation. When I was a kid, I'm always excited during town fiesta because my parents will bring us to the carnivals. Have some rides, playing some games and eat some street foods. Then buying some ukay ukay, shoes and even the toys.

Those memories will always flashing on my mind that I could smile remembering it. My childhood memories was so meaningful that having a parents is a blessings. Then now I've become a parent it's my turn to give them some happiness even in a small things.

(The lumpia or spring rolls)

As of morning of July 19,2024 I've been assigned wrapping the lumpia or spring rolls. We usually cooked first the meat with some vegetables before we wrapped it. My siblings can't wrapped likes this lol. They have a lots of alibi when it comes in wrapping but they are so greedy to eat a lot hahaha.

Maybe your wondering why the sizes is like that. We will cut into 3 pieces after cooking. See inflation is real😁.

(Our humble lunch with love)

(My nanay, sis Jacque and auntie Susa)

We've been waiting for our visitors but our stomach is really aching hahaha. So around 12:30 lunch time we started with a prayer that been lead by my nanay(mother). The sister of nanay is also here since the other day pa. She's the prettiest among the sisters of my mother's side but of course my nanay is quite pretty.

(Say cheezzzeeeee😁)

(My sister Jacque and meh😁)

(Nanay with mhe)

(My tatay was just in a corner only because he started eating while my siblings are still cooking hahaha)

(Happy eating🤗)

(The visitors but they are the cousins of nanay)

(Just mhe with yummy foods)

(My plate😁)

The show must go on hivers and we're all hungry while we're waiting. Presenting my family with an awesome smiles😁. For now we don't have a lechon pig but we barely celebrate our town fiesta even its not bonggacious. As long as we're all happy celebrating it and most especially is "were in good health despite of everything".

We must be grateful always because not all the time we had a lot of money, char! For now we need to be a budgeterian so that we can survived everyday. Not bad to be practical as long as we're not starving and we can sustain other expenses. Don't forget that needs is the most important not the wants.

So bye bye for now and thanks for dropping by my fellow hivers. Enjoy the rest of your days and God bless you all.

July 20,2024
5:07 pm


The fighter mom,

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