Android Earthquake alerts that it's Magnitude 5.3 hit us

Hello hivers...

It's been few months that the earthquake never been active in our place at Mindanao(Philippines). So as of this morning around 6:23am while I'm still sleeping, our bed is moving then my eldest son wake me up. He said "mama its earthquake". He rushingly carry my youngest son while still sleeping and we go downstair. My elder sister Josephine and her husband James as just next on us.

While I'm checking my phone I've seen a notif from my Android Earthquake alerts that it's Magnitude 5.3 hit us. It's quite scary because our whole house really moves faster that I think it will collapsed if it didn't stop. Thanks God, he hear our prayers.

(My own screenshot from my phone)

(It's from NDRRMC update)

The NDRRMC also update on my phone. The strong earthquake been hit at Lingig that was few minutes from our house. It's Magnitude 6.5, my God! It's so strong. Hope the people out there are really okay.


Few hours later the Magnitude 5.1 earthquake around 12:20pm. We're just eating our lunch that time then our table are moving. We go down again with my kids. What a life with this kind of disaster. The most scariest day for me and I don't want to be in harm including my family. Hope no more aftershocks and keep safe everyone.

That's all for now and don't forget to pray for our safeness everyday. Thanks for stopping by🤗.

August 3,2024
2:33 pm

The fighter mom,

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