A Exam Day ~ Demotivated

My day was full of exams today. But after participating all the exams, I am so demotivated now. Because, all the exams went so bad. It's not like that, I didn't study.

I woke very early in the morning as well. As today I had my physics practice model test exam, I started my study with physics again. It was a wrong decision to study only the surface level of a chapter. What could I do? I only had 2 days before the exam. So, I could just revise all the formulas. I did so. It was enough for my final exam. But the coaching centre where I admitted to gave some practice exam before the main exam, they don't make standard question. They make so hard questions that never comes to the main exam. But the problem is the result massage, which comes in my parents phone.

However, as I woke up early today, I could enjoy the morning whether. It was a gloomy day. After enjoying the whether for some moment, I started my main task which is study. I studied physics till 8 am. Then I felt hungry. So, I decided to make some food by myself as my mom was still sleeping. I didn’t want to disturb her.

After that breakfast, I started study again. But today I can't show you much study, books picture. Because I was focused on study and forgot to take the pictures.

However at 2 PM. I went out for my exam. I went to the road and took a Rikshaw (A vehicle of our country for transport a short distance).

Once rikshaw puller had to work hard for their bread as they had to run the rikshaw though their legs. But nowadays, most of the rikshaw's has motor. So, they just has to pick up the handle and it runs.
You can see the rikshaw puller in the picture. As it was mid-noon it's looking so bright.

After returning home at the evening, I was so tired giving 3 hours exam. Then my mom gave me these sweets to eat. Those back one is my favourite. It's called 'Kalajamun' in my country.

After having the snacks, I studied math for sometime with my online tutor.

This is how my todays study journey ends.

Hope you enjoyed this blog. It's all for today. See you next time
Thanks for reading.

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