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Hello everyone welcome to another edition of my blog. Today, I am excited to share an inspiring story that unfolded within the walls of our shelter, a tale from which we can all draw valuable lessons.

Let me introduce you to Teddy, not his real name to protect his identity. Teddy is one of my students who is close to my heart. His journey began when he was rescued by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) at the tender age of 11. Shockingly, reports revealed that most of Teddy's sisters had fallen victim to the harrowing world of online sexual exploitation. Their parents had callously sold them in exchange for drugs and money, plunging the family into a devastating cycle of betrayal and despair.


It was further reported that the family of the individual in question is characterized by dysfunctionality, stemming from the mother's involvement in multiple romantic relationships with various men, resulting in children from different partners. Additionally, reports indicated that the father had been imprisoned due to his involvement in a murder case. Despite Teddy not explicitly stating in his report that he had been a victim of online sexual exploitation or trafficked by his mother, he experienced instances of sexual abuse during his time residing at the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) facility.

Notably, Teddy shared that following a rescue operation involving multiple children with the same case, some girls and even male victims would approach him and ask him to have sex with him just to satisfy their longing for sex and the rest is history.


In August 2020, Teddy arrived at our facility alongside a group of children who were among the first to be welcomed into our care. These children hold a significant place in our hearts, as they marked the beginning of our journey to providing a safe and nurturing environment for those in need. Transitioning into our facility was a major change for Teddy, as the limited freedom and the need to adhere to rules were new aspects of his daily life. Under the care of their dedicated resident house parents, affectionately known as Mommy and Daddy, Teddy and the other children began to settle into their new routine.

Our facility prides itself on its family-centered approach to sheltering, where the bonds created between the children and their caregivers resemble those within a true family unit. Unlike many shelters that cater exclusively to a single gender, our facility stands out for its inclusive nature, welcoming both boys and girls, including siblings, into our midst. This unique aspect of our shelter underscores our commitment to keeping families together and fostering a sense of unity among those we care for.


Many of the children enrolled in our program faced significant educational disadvantages, including Teddy. Despite being in the sixth grade, Teddy arrived with extremely limited literacy skills, unable to read or spell even the simplest words and even write simple sentences. This deficiency stemmed from a lack of guidance and support in his prior schooling. However, through the dedicated mentorship of our facility's resident teacher and the structured learning environment provided by the school placement we arranged, Teddy began to make remarkable progress. With unwavering determination, he steadily expanded his knowledge and skills, especially in cooking gradually bridging the gaps in his education.

It presented an immense challenge for Teddy on multiple fronts — not only did he struggle with the physical, emotional, and mental toll of being separated from his family, but he also suffered the distressing revelation that his mother had been proven guilty of her actions. The added burden of knowing that his younger sisters had been relocated to a separate shelter further weighed heavy on his already burdened shoulders. Meanwhile, his remaining siblings were engaged in a relentless struggle for survival, intensifying the complexity of Teddy's already overwhelming circumstances.

Teddy has consistently proven himself to be among the most trustworthy children under our care. From the very beginning, we have invested time and effort in imparting valuable teachings and nurturing a strong bond with him. His unwavering faith in God has been a guiding light, ensuring that the values we have instilled in him will endure. The anticipated month of June in 2023 marks the poignant moment when Teddy, turning 18, will once again reunite with his family. Despite residing with his family presently, our connection remains strong. Our organization continues to support Teddy's educational pursuits, covering his expenses and providing allowance through his sponsorship.

At present, Teddy is nearing the completion of his eleventh-grade senior year at a prestigious culinary international school in the vibrant city of Cebu. It is of utmost importance to us that Teddy successfully completes his education and is adequately prepared to step on his own journey. Teddy is deeply committed to maximizing the opportunities and support extended to him, striving diligently to ensure that everything is not put to waste. His dedication and hard work reflect his determination to make the most of the resources provided to him and to create a solid foundation for his future endeavors in the culinary world.

Teddy is currently flourishing and dedicated to his personal growth, laying a strong foundation to carve out a successful future with the unwavering support of those who have stood by his side. It is my wish that Teddy's journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for you, dear readers, reminding us all that life's path may be unpredictable, yet perseverance is key in the pursuit of our dreams and aspirations. Stay tuned for more insightful content in my upcoming blog posts.

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