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Visited an Art Exhibition of Textile Craft

One of the human need in carrying out life requires clothing or clothing. Since a long time ago the need for clothing has contined to develop and the art of textile craft has also progressed and exhibition are held everywhere.


As I sow some time ago, seeing an exhibition of textile craft held at a handicraft Center in in the Sukabumi District of West Java.


Textile work or also know as textiles, a ctaft or craft work made from textile, such as fabric,threads,and otherd. Types of textile craft can be in the room of decorative objects and used objects or a Combination of the two.


In every Counyry especially Asesn Countries, have their craft art that will be different from other Countries.


In Indonesia we encounter many craft,such as example of batik textile, or batik,Songket making,weaving,and many other textile craft.


And last but not least is the art of dyed create a good work of art and the maximum intial step is planning, be sides selecting materials,design motifs and so on.


The exhibition,which is held several days, displays several good works and one of then is to disseminate information a bout the art of craft with dyeing method techniqes.


Tie dye it selft is not a new in fashion world,in various Countries the tie dye has been used since ancient times.


This exhibition with the thema of Textile craftsmanship received a good reception, even though is was only held at the local level.


The name Celepan the word Celepan comes the Sundanese language. Celepan means the dyed product in the form of cloth,clothers or pants and usually cloth dyed with cloth that has faded in color. Celepan is the name of product fastening dipping in Sukabumi,West Java.


The current dye is not dyeing the fabric that has faded in color but delibenately dyeing the fabric by tying it with thread, rubber,raffie,as a color barrier with various techniques so that it has an aesthetic value.


In the exhibition,several finished textile are display, and the process of making Celepan craft art is displayed by coloring it through screen image.
Are you interested in the art of textile craft..?
Thank you, May 13 ,2021.

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