Sublime Sunday: Garden Activities, Cultivating and Transfering Young Bell Pepper Plants


Greetings Aseanhivers and Happy Sunday to all of us. Today is vacant day to all of us and most of us spend their times together with their Families and friends. For today's blog, allow me to share my Simple activities here in our Place and this was Gardening activities. Its been a quite while since I did not visit my Garden and make a garden plots and transfering some of my vegetables at the place. This time, my plan is to create another garden plots for my Bell Pepper plants and it is better to be done early in the Morning. This morning at exactly 7 AM when I started to prepare my Garden plot for my young bell pepper plants.


I done my early tasks just like cleaning the yard just like sweeping the yard removing those dry leaves. It is better to have clean surroundings and to become more attractive and well organized to our eyes. This is what my obligations I always did here in our House. After that, I grabbed my breakfast and after finishing to eat my breakfast, I proceed to my Garden bringing my Garden tools. My Garden is not really far from our house and it will take a few seconds before I reached at my Simple Garden.



As I arrived at my Garden, I gathered some dry coconut leaves so that I can create smokes. Harmful insects will get away when there is smokes and it is better to do the job in the Garden. It takes a few minutes of creating fire using dry coconut leaves and wild grass I removed before. It will be a great cleaning activities I will do because the entire Garden was filled with wild grass and it must be remove so the plants grows better and healthy.


After citing some best spots for my Garden plots. Using my sharp and big shovel, I started to make a garden plot so that my young bell pepper plants will be planted to the Garden plots. The soil contains some sands that is why it is very easy to dug the soil and I've finished making a plot within a few minutes. After cultivating the land, I carefully removed the small roots, wild grass and other unecessary things and materials. I make my plot at the open field so that the sun can easily shine to the plants.


My Partner was also very busy transferring those bell pepper plants. It will make my work done very fast with the help comes from her. She carefully removed those young bell pepper plants from the seed plots and started to plant each new bell pepper plant at the garden plot I make last week. The soil was still very soft and pulverized that is why it will be very easy to plant those bell pepper plants at the Garden plot. My Partner used a sharp thing so it will easily to plant.


After making a new garden plot, I proceed to checked my plants to see of there are small harmful insects hiding on its leaves. I am very happy and proud to see my vegetables and also my Lemon-Grass grows very healthy and it will be harvested by next Month. My plan is to sell some of the vegetables I gathered at the supermarket and the best thing I will always do is to take care my vegetables always.


After replanting those young bell pepper plants, I started to watered it using a water sprinkler, it is perfecg to used water sprinkler so that the new planted plants wont be damage. It will control to poured the water with exact amount of Water.


I also planted few spring onions in this empty plastic bottle of water. I've recycled it into a pots and I've put my Spring onions. It is better to plant here so that it will easy to transfer in any place. I was having a lot of fun time andt gives us a good results in simple way of living.

Thank you for visiting and reading my post, have a nice sunday everyone.

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