Random Post of The Day: " Attending Rosary, Visiting My Best Friend's Place, Fishing and Food Trip


Greetings everyone, I have some random activities we did last day and today. One of this was attending black rosary here in our House. In Catholic traditions, every month of October, we did this kind of Spiritual activities and we did rosaries every houses here at the place. Yesterday at exactly 8 in the Morning when Our neighbor told us about the rosary and it will happens here in our House. As for that, it needs to get prepared just like cleaning the house, picking fresh flowers for the altar and brought some snacks for the visitors. Expected to have lots of worshipers attended in the Rosary but this is normal for us here.

It takes a few hours of doing General cleaning while my Mother was at the Market to buy some snacks for our visitors. My Father and I are the only who did the job by cleaning the entire place because my Brother was at School.


1 in the afternoon when our neighbors was arrived at our house to do rosary, as they arrived at our house they decided to take a rest for a minute talking about interesting topics. They really amazed of our place because of tall and big trees and also different kinds of Ornamental plants can be seen that can make the place cool and relaxing. After a few minutes of resting they decided to start Rosary and it takes a few minutes and we served the snacks for them.

Food Trip:


Everyone loves food trip and this ia one I did here. Last day as I went to the market, I was passing by in this fruit stand werw it also sells this delicious and cold drinks. It contains lots of fruits mixed together added with milk to make it more tasty and delicious. I decided to brought 1 glass of drinks for 10 Pesos only.



As I arrived at home, Our neighbor gave this delicious soup and I also seen that the main Ingredients are Monggo and Beef. This foods are some of my favorite to eat, we're very thankful for our Neighbor's kind and Generosity.

Catching Fish From The River:




We also decided to went to the river for fishing along with my friends and cousins. First we looked for small worms as a bait before we proceed to the river. It was very lucky day for me because I've got this two mud fish and this will be good for the meal. My Father was very surprised and happy about it and He's the one who cleaned the fish.

Visiting My Hive Best Friend:


Once again I've visited my Hive best friend Kuya @godlovermel25's place in Barangay Paniangan. Today is His Birthday and He chatted me this morning and asked me if I have time for a visit. I gladly accepted and Went to His Place. It was 11 in the Morning when I finally arrived at his place.



They served this delicious foods and snacks for Kuya's Birthday and they invited me for a lunch. After eating lunch Kuya Offered this delicious Mini-Doughnut He Baked. He tried to used his new ordered Mini-doughnut thing. It was very delicious and this is what we will baked soon as we put up a business here. It takes few hours at Kuya @godlovermel25 place doing this blog.


I was enjoyed watching Baby King-King, Kuya @godlovermel25 Nephew and He was very busy mapping the balcony. This young little one doing a chore and I was very amazed of Him. It was very fun and enjoyable day I've experienced and Before I went back home, I thanked them for inviting me.

Thank you for stopping by, have a nice day everyone.

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