Collecting of Old Things Is Very Fun

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Edited By: Canva Application
I really love to collect different kinds of an old things and I am so very lucky because I have some an old things given from my GrandMother. Collecting old things will make us to remembered the great past during our elders generations aside from that, we can fully imagine of what are the things they always use back when there are still no technologies or any hightech gadgets involved. I would like to share my article for today about an old things I gathered while ago. I would really collected it and displayed here in our house so that our visitors can also seen the things brought from the past decades.

An Old Pot:


This is an old pot or in local term we called it, Kulon. This kind of things was used as storing more foods or water. Sinigang dish is perfect to cook here in this pot. It has a perfect curvy and round shape and have a curvy base under of it. This thing was buried near at our old Manggoe tree and luckily it wont broke out even if it is buried many years ago.


Inside of this pot is also a perfect curvy shape and it is made of clay. As I know about this thing, back when the Native people inhabited our place, the pots was also use as an Urn were the human ashes put in before burying it in cave or under the stones. Sometimes this kind of pot is use for placing all the native jewelries and other important things before burying it also.


This is a kind of fascinating and it really interesting to me that is why I decided to preserve this by cleaning the surface very slowly and carefully, so that it wont broke out. After this I will put this in the cabinet for a display porpuses.

An Old Grinding Stone:


I also recovered this old grinding stone near at our Farm and it is also buried a few feet down. This was incidentally found when the soil eroded. And this is a great opportunities for me to dig in. It was very lucky also because the two grinding stone is complete and intact. Ancient people always used this to grind their corn or grains before cooking it.


This lines or marks is serve as the center of the two circular stones. This will help to separate the grains or corns from its seed coats. There is also an 2 inches deep hole at the middle of the stones were the grains and corns will goes down out of this stone grinding. The wood handle was already rotten due to many years has past already an by using it, the upper stone will roled.


The surface of the stone contains rough surfaces and I wonder why this stones are perfectly circled shape.

An Old Flat Iron:


This flat iron was already 100 years old. This was my great, great grandmother using for our Grandmother dress. The burning charcoal will place inside of this iron. This is the manual clothe iron back when there still no hightech things.


Because of many years this thing was unused, it completely covered with rust and spider webs and I will clean it using a smooth and soft clothes and displayed in the Cabinets.

An Old Coin:


This is some of the pieces of old coins my Grandmother gave to me. The markings in the coins are very fascinating and the year markings is between 1985 to 1990. I carefully cleaned the coins very gently so that the markings and designs of the coins will not be erase or damage.

An Old Jade Gems:



This is an old Jade and My Mother Chinese friend gave to her when she was still a young girl as a gift for her birthday. Chinese believes that this kind of thing can bring goodluck im business or in the house. I really keep this because this is very precious thing, it can easily broke when it falls to the ground.

Collecting and old things is very fun and we can really imagine and felt that we are also in an old Generation.

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