A Day in My Life Blog: I Have Attended the 88th Birthday Celebration of my Girlfriend's Grandmother at the Beach 🏖️🥳🤗🙏

Have a Blessed Day to all ASEAN Hivers and all my Fellow Hivers all over the World! 😇

Greetings and my prayers for all of us is, for us to have good health and in good condition. I just want to continuously share my thanksgiving to everyone here in the community most especially the admins and all curators who always supports me unconditionally until now.

All the supports I've received will also encourage me to continue do what I needed to do here in the community and in the hive platform as a whole.

For today, I will be sharing again my newest A Day in My Life blog post which is all about my Girlfriend's Grandmother Birthday Celebration.

The celebration was indeed very important as it was my girlfriend's Grandmother's 88th Birthday. This age was a blessings from God as not everyone of us will last in this world with this age and yet she is still very strong.

A few days ago, I was already told by my girlfriend that her grandmother will be celebrating her birthday at the beach and since she is working abroad, she told me to buy the materials for the decorations.

Since my girlfriend's family together with the birthday celebrant will come to the venue around 10:00 in the morning. So, I went to the venue early around 8:00 in the morning were I will be doing the decorations but after a while the cousins of my girlfriend came to help me.

Finally after a while, the decorations was finally done and I think it was done very well. I can't do it myself and so I thank God for my girlfriend's cousins came to help me.

Around 10:30 in the morning, the family of my girlfriend finally came here in the venue together with the birthday celebrant and that they prepared her with some make up.

We then have a short program started by opening prayer and singing of praises and worship to God. One of my girlfriend's aunt also assigned to share the Word of God in which she is just came from Manila. We were all very blessed by what she had shared unto us.

This is my first time to meet some of my girlfriend's family members especially they were in my girlfriend's Mother's side in which they live from a far, and they only gathered once in a while.

Around 11:50 in the morning, just on time the short program was finally over and it is now time for lunch. Before we take our lunch, we never forget to have a picture taking session with the birthday celebrant.

I was the taking the pictures as I am their photographer for today. I am very happy seeing them very happy also as they have gathered as a family. I have done all of this for God's glory and for my girlfriend whom I loved.

We have now take our lunch in which they have prepared lots of foods and the main food being served is this well-known food in every occasion, the Lechon Baboy.

Since we are here in the beach, the kids were also very busy swimming although the waves were a bit strong still we allowed them as long as we're here near to them.

Our Baby King2x was very happy swimming and playing with my girlfriend's son and her nephews. It is great seeing them playing and while they've enjoyed so much I am also very busy taking pictures of them.

After around 3:00 in the afternoon, we have decided to go home as my girlfriend's Grandmother wanted to go now, and I just thank God for the successful event and we got home safe and sound.

This would be all for today's post and until next time again and I just want to thank everyone in advance who will dropping by on my post.

To God be all the Glory! 😇🙌☝️

Your Friend

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