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Fun Fishing Locations

Hello all Asean hive friends.

How are you all, I hope that you are still in good condition and are all healthy and still enthusiastic about all of your activities during the afternoon, and most importantly, continue to be enthusiastic for all of your activities during the day.

This afternoon I want to make a post review about an activity we fished in one of the grouper cage spots around the Loskala area of ​​Lhokseumawe City.

In these cages, fishermen usually often carry out their fishing activities because there are lots of barramundi under these cages, but it depends on how the water conditions are, so it doesn't mean that every day it comes it will be easy to get it just like that, sometimes if there is no fortune Yes, you have to go home empty-handed later.

Many of my fellow anglers often get barramundi, and besides that there are also those who manage to raise the spotted grouper if conditions are in a good condition while fishing, and there are also those who get Giant Travely fish but only the size of a hand, the biggest that can be caught get.

Besides being able to fish here, you can also enjoy the stunning natural scenery from the scenery around this area with a green natural appearance and combined with river water which has its own perfection to be witnessed by those of us who fish here.

Thus the post review from me in the opportunity to write this time, I hope all my friends like the writing that I share, and thank you for visiting my blog.

My regards

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