A Day on the Busy Street of Colon, Cebu City : Gift Shopping + Buying Decoration for the Hive Christmas Party + Gift Wrapping .

Yesterday we had a busy day again. Ate Gil @purepinay and I went to Colon to buy random things for our Christmas party and gifts for Bobby.


At around 12:45 noon , we drove a taxi to Colon and our first stop was the Cinderella Textile. A store that sells different kinds of fabrics. This shop seems famous in Colon because most of the drivers know where it is located. I actually went there a few times now.

We arrived there 35mins after, we're lucky that it's not rush hour . As I was looking around the shop, I noticed a sequined fabric that looked so elegant and stunning. I'm actually a fan of fabrics, you know why?? When I was young my Mom used to bring me to a store in Tacloban City which also sold beautiful and affordable fabrics. It's fascinating that fabrics have different textures and designs .





I love the Cinderella Textile store. It was well-organized and neat. I roamed around more to look for decent fabrics to use for our Christmas party. Then, afterwards we decided to go with silk cloth. We chose gold for the table cloth since our theme colors are : Red, Green, Gold & Silver.

Ate Gil loves the gold color, because it can be used with any occasion . . . They called it a neutral color if I'm not mistaken. Just correct me if I'm wrong ,hehe. I'm open for correction 😅.

Afterwards, we go Unitop to buy poinsettia and Christmas balls to add the decoration for the party and for personal use also. As usual this store has so many customers and people are so busy buying Christmas decors and gifts too.



Then 3rd store we went was the Metro Colon Mall, we first went to beauty products because of course Ate Gil wants to buy herself a gifts too, and she also bought something for me and my Mom ,😊💛 . I'm so happy and grateful to have a thoughtful sister like her. Even though it's not the holiday season ,every time she goes out where she buys stuff for her ,she buys something for me too. 💚 That's what I loved about her.







After we paid at the cashier, we went to the 3rd floor of the mall to buy some ribbons , gift wrappers and we saw these Christmas pillow cases* that matched their couch. So we bought 4 pillow cases and Ate Gil grabbed other things for Christmas .

All in the list are done . . . then , I remembered to pick up the two #Hive Lanyards that I ordered from the same shop before with the Hive IDs. So I went there and Ate Gil ran some errands that were so important. After a few minutes I met her at the Watsons and we went to Mercury after, and then went back to Metro to get all the stuff that we bought and hence everything that we wanted to buy were complete, so we ride a taxi to go home.


Phew! That was a tiring day again. Imagine walking in the busy streets of Colon back and forth . 😁 And Ate Gil was always behind me coz I walked faster than her ,hahaha or maybe she had many things on her mind .😁 Or maybe she's just hungry,hehehe. Good thing when we got home the food was ready. Kuya Rob cooked a delicious dinner for us . And before we went to slept we wrapped again some Christmas gifts for the raffles ,so all the #Hivers can bring home something after the party. Those gifts are donated by some of our #Hive supporters. Thank you so much 💚❤️💛


What a productive day indeed!.
Thank you Hivers for your support.
May we all have a prosperous holiday season!


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