The Essence of Christmas for me is (Sharing, Giving and Loving) Merry Christmas❤️❤️❤️

Hello Everyone☺☺☺

Hope all is good and safe😘😘😘


"MERRY CHRISTMAS" Everyone🙂 It's Jesus birthday. And the essence of today celebration is Giving, sharing and loving. And because of this three I am grateful, blessed and thankful.

Yesterday morning, my Man and I went to the market to bought some ingredients of the dish that we are going to prepare on media noche. We are only prepare few foods to be served on the table. Our menu was spaghetti, roasted chicken, fried feet chicken and then I ordered pizza, buttercake and cassava cake.


The one who prepared the spaghetti and cooked chicken was man, because I have a duty at around 1 in the afternoon. And while I am on duty I've made a Merry Christmas word to be put on our back drop curtain.


And as got off from work, I prepared myself quickly because I will attend a christmas eve mass. Whose with me was my Man. And my sister is the one who left at home. It's a one and a half hour mass. And after the mass we went home, and I prepared the table. And ofcourse taking photos is a must(lol).




After that it's eating time. I blessed forst the food then start eating. And here comes our young man. Asking his gift from us. And I told him to wait first because we are eating. And after eating it's gift giving time.




And early this morning, my man and I woke up earlym because we will went to there home. And as I open the door, lot's of kids are roaming around already. So my man quickly prepare the candies to be given to the kids. While me also preparing my gifts to my god children. And a moment later here they comes.







After that we went to my man's home. To give our gifts to his parents and 2 nieces. As we arrived there only his father, younger brother and the girlfriend of it are at home, because his mother and younger niece attend the mass. It's already 10 oclock and we need to be hurry to go back home because I still have a duty. And after 10 minutes his mother and niece arrived. So we begun to give the gifts. Nanay and Tatay are both happy recieving there gifts.



After that we went home already, and just get my bag and went to work. At the moment I'm here seating at my desk and waiting for the guest to arrived.

It's Christmas and we should be happy. But honestly, my happiness is not that so full. On the other part, I'm lonely because it's the christmas that both my parents are not present. I know they are happy now wherever they are. They will be lonely too if they see us lonely. So I must be happy for them to be happy also. I so missed there presence and I love them both to the moon and back. Again Merry Christmas everyone.🎄🙂❤️

That's all for now everyone. Keep safe always. God Bless and Thank you for your unending support to my blog always☺☺😘

truly yours,


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