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My Random Series: Lockdown Day 100 (RMCO Day 16)


Another waterfall day today...

I am not a professional trader... I am still in the process of learning... So this is not a financial advise... Just an experience sharing post...

Trading is not as hard as we think... but it is not as easy either... Learning every moment... Mentally and physically need to be up to the state... Yeah, we need to be thinking straight and logically... Not and never emotionally when it comes to trading...

It's better not to have any open orders than a bad order... When we can't think straight, leave the chart alone... come back 5 to 10 minutes later (or take as much time as we need, then only come back)...

Don't trade alone, team up with someone... so we can support and motivate each other... Important to have peer support...

Affiliate Links Alert!!!

Ya, if you are looking into trading, here are some of the referral links that I can give you... I will receive some referral fees and you will be receiving some discounts...

a. Binance Spot Trading (This is a safer way to start with, just involve buy low and sell high)

b. Binance Future Trading (Alert! This is higher risk compared to Spot Trading, so please make sure you only put in whatever you can risk)

c. And if you would like to let a bot do the trading for you, then you may consider Pionex.

Pionex is an exchange designed for the trading bot. Great liquidity which aggregates from multiple other exchanges, 5 trading bots built-in, and very low trading fee - 0.05%. Join with me today 👉

d. The final one is Torque. This to me is like a Fixed Deposit. Invest and let the "money" grow. There's Zoom session to find out more about this program. If you are interested in this, let me know and we can get connected in Discord or Telegram (elizacheng). Whenever there's Zoom session, I will send you the link.

Happy learning and happy earning!

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10 Random Things About Me


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