Laundry gel bead

Since 10.10, I have been buying things online (non-stop...) I guess I am a bit addicted to this Shopee shopping spree... @khimgoh can help me out of this??? Or are you being influenced as well? 🤣🤣🤣

What have I bought? Maybe you will be asking me, just like how Khim asked me... A lot of things, from kitchen ware, storage items, my girls' school uniform (preparing for next year, ya, I did), facial cleanser, washing detergent, light bulbs, bags, shampoo, fertilizer, etc... Yes... a lot of items...

And here's one of the item I bought... laundry gel bead... My washing detergent is running low... And because of the movement control, I am not going out... And another reason is I am lazy...

I scroll through the Shopee app and found this laundry gel bead... hmmm... price would be similar to the washing detergent I buy... So I thought why not I give this a try... So click, click, click... And done buying!

I receive the parcel within 2 days... Super fast delivery!



I have tried washing my laundry with the bead twice... And I am happy with it... And I will definitely use this more often... Why? Because this is simple and the colors are cute and this become one of the reason my girls offer to help me do the laundry 😁😁😁 Hahaha... because of the cute color and the cute packaging...

Just put all the dirty clothes into the washing machine and put in one bead...Basically it's a bead for 6kg of clothes. I am happy with this item 😃😃😃

Happy Weekend everyone!❤️❤️❤️

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