
Day 8 of me undergoing my self quarantine. Yup. I am doing good so far. Working from "room" is what I am doing on weekdays. And I have signed up for a 4 days online workshop too. Learning, unlearning and relearning during this period.

Thanks to my mother in law and husband who have been taking care of my meal everyday. Yummilicious food daily.



To my surprise, I receive this container of cashew nuts from my husband. So happy. I have something to chew on during the workshop.


One of the key takeaway from the first session of the workshop is

3 most dangerous words are I KNOW THAT. When we say this words, we are automatically closing ourselves up and not going to listen to others. This is not going to bring us any further. When we are stuck, it's because what we do aren't really working. So we must be opened to changes, so that we can move forward. When we say I KNOW THAT, we are not going to go anywhere.

So I hope everyone will have a great week and weekend ahead. 💪🤗

Get To Know Me

10 Random Things About Me


If you like the idea of CREATE and EARN (just like here in Hive), then do you know that everyday while we connect with our family and friends through chatting, texting, voice and video calling, we can EARN from that too? Click on the image to start EARNING from connecting with your family and friends!

If you are looking for a hardware wallet to keep your crypto, check this out.

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