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Normal Day Of a College Girl Living in A Dormitory

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*When you have dreams, you have to sacrifice some things in your life. *

For me, one of the things I have sacrificed is the comforts of my home and my family.

As a college student studying in a university on another city, I need to leave my home and stay in another. Now, I am staying in a dormitory near my school for convenience

Staying in a dorm means I have to create a home for myself alone - a home where I am my own family.

It's not that I feel lonely. I am that kind of person that can stand alone. However, I admit that there are still things that are too difficult when living alone.

Let's have a little peak on my normal days living in a dormitory.

Today is a Sunday, so I can wake up anytime I want. I wake up at 7 then sleep in for a little bit. Me and my boyfriend would have a little chat as our morning routine til we get hungry and decide to get up to eat.

One thing that is hard living in a dorm is . . . preparing meals. You have to do the prepping, the cooking and when it's time for eating you're already tired but you still got to do the dishes. That's why, I tend to buy easy to prep meals like frozen foods. For this morning I fried some burger patties and ate them with rice. I do the dishes immediately so the kitchen wouldn't get messy. I'm not the only person who uses the kitchen.

The next I would do is get the laundry done but too bad, it's raining hard today. So, I decided to just laze away for the day. I would just do the laundry some other time. However, I make sure I wash my clothes immediately so I wouldn't run out of clothes to wear.


I prepared some coffee and ate it with snacks. Since, we're only having an internship this semester, I don't have that much school requirements to do. I just played mobile games throughout the day with my boyfriend. I even read some manga since I have the time.

Weekends are for resting. But, only after you've already finish your chores. I think it's important we have a day for rest and recreation even when dormitory life is a little tiring.

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