My "Too-Overwhelmed" Side. 😁


It has been over a month since I posted my Introduction post, my first ever blog here on Hive. It means I am already 1 month old and a couple of days on Hive. (Yeeaaahh far way to go) But my "too-overwhelmed" side who loves to cherish every "Firsts" moment and accomplishment I have in life (be it small or big), says I have to share this on my blog. Well maybe for a reflection? for comparison? or for an evaluation by the time I achieve my 1st year here too! (Fingers crossed)πŸ˜…

I remember the time when my co-teacher Maam Lerre @missleray introduced Hive to me. Honestly speaking, at first, I was only interested and exuberant about this platform because of the MONEY,- this is how Hive is also introduced to me! 😁 - A blogging platform in which I could earn money every time I create or publish a post, make comments, and interact with the community, easy as pie! I have been doing these things on Facebook and my other social media accounts and get unpaid in the end. But on Hive I'm being paid?

Weeeyyy seriously? Are you Sure? (these are my initial reactions)

So, I didn't bother to think twice, no hesitations at all, I then grabbed the chance to be part of Hive as this is also a great opportunity for me to earn extra income, a passive income one!
Easy money, I thought haha!
(Sounds easy and fun but Oh No it isn't! It isn't! ) but here I am, already 1 month on this avenue.

Also, it sounds big to hear "Smile - a teacher and a blogger" πŸ˜‰Sounds like music to me!.

My "firsts"

Aside from it being my first month, I remembered vividly all my "firsts" here on Hive. My first post-the Introduction, the first one who commented, the first one who reblogged it, the first one to upvote, the first person who welcomed me, the first Community I published my post on, my first follower, the first to curate my post.

I remember clearly the first article/blog I read, the first blog I commented on, the first blog I shared, and all my other firsts, and Oh' my first payout!. La la la la la.πŸŽΌπŸ’ƒ


In my 1 month journey, (I know I'm still on the surface)

What have I gained?

Practically, I gained HP and Hive Backed Dollars though a small amount, yet for me, (I think) an indicator of a 'not-so-bad' performance of a newbie here on Hive. ("It's Free to assume Smile", I said this 3x as I pat myself)No one would cheer us first but ourselves.πŸ˜…

Second, In a deeper sense, I gained virtual friends who share the same interests as mine. I got to exchange opinions and thoughts and even express support through the comment section.

Third, I've got to travel virtually to different places by reading other people's blogs. I have learned new knowledge about places, culture, lifestyle, fashion, foods, music and so many more!

On the writing side, I have discovered different writing techniques and different literary devices used by bloggers/writers, especially the successful ones. I am quite fascinated by their content, passion, and how they openly share their experiences here on this platform.

On the other hand, when I started blogging, every time I travel or do some things that I planned to include on my blog, I become more immersed, more appreciative, and more inquisitive about it, as my goal is to share those meaningful on-hand experience of mine to the readers. I'm loving this gain, I considered this an achievement as this has contributed to the personal and psychosocial aspects of my life.

Finally, I gained the best mentorship from @indayclara here on Hive. I know I still have sooooo many things to learn and relearn. But @indayclara has always been very generous to guide and teach. I relate this to having my Masters Class again.πŸ₯°


If there is a gain, there is also a loss.

What have I lost?

"Sometimes the best gain is to lose." George Herbert

While I gained the things I mentioned earlier, I also lose some. As a mother and a wife, I always try my best not to lessen the quality time I could make with my family. My time for them especially for my 1-year-old baby girl is fixed and non-negotiable and the rest is my 'me' time. But when I started my Hive journey, my "me time" was then changed to my " writing and editing" time.

Since I'm still developing and honing my writing abilities and also I am still on my way to discovering the features and the benefits I could get on this blogging platform, I do things slowly and surely. Usually, I spend a couple of hours, on the drafting part alone.😁 But it's okay, I'm in the process of learning and will eventually adjust everything soon.

What do I expect?

The things I learned now on Hive are just the tip of an iceberg.

Clearly, in my first month, I don't have a target on How much HP and HBD I must acquire, even in the upcoming months, I didn't set a target just yet. I want to enjoy my time reading and blogging first.

But maybe, in the long run, I expect to learn about the power-ups, the badges, the rewards, and the offers of Hive. I wish to know how to strategically make use of my HP, HBD, and more! Especially that weeks from now, we will be having our summer vacation, which means I have now plenty of time for blogging.(Hopefully).

Somehow, I expect to learn more about the "Do's and Don't and the " Why's and How's" of blogging. I will benefit from this and my students as well. As the saying goes "You cannot teach what you don't have", my blogging experience here on Hive will surely be shared and taught to my students during our writing class.

I expect to gain lots of friends, meet some bloggers and learn from experts too. Lastly, I expect to widen my horizons and heighten my personal growth while I'm on this platform.


Yes, the ocean is huge and very deep for a little fish like me. A lot to learn, a lot to explore, and a lot to discover but there is always time for everything. Being "part of this ocean" is a thing I should be grateful for already. Thanks, Hive!

All images/text were edited using Canva.

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