Work Plan Meeting Of YBHA Petuah Mandiri Aceh

(Selfie during the meeting running on)

Through this post I'd like to share about my latest activity with YBHA-Petuah Mandiri Aceh. On my previous post, I've already told you our last activity on inception workshop that officially host by Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) for Phillipines and Asia. This meeting is the next step after the YBHA's workplan submitted to NP and already approached by The Royal Kingdom of Netherland as the funder of this project.

(Workplan on Screen)

There are several topics that we discussed in yesterday's meeting. Especially related to the foundation strengthened that need to be restructure because there are some new members that just joining since the SPEAR project from NP came to us. Since the Covid 19 invade almost all living sector in all over the world, in Indonesia and Aceh, it's impact to YBHA stop to operate for the common activities due to there is no finance that support YBHA works.

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(Our program officer for the SPEAR project, Elvida at the end of the third row on the left, is presenting several points in the work plan)

Besides the work plan, we also discuss time effectiveness for regular activities in the office. The agreement on this point converges on working hours starting from 9 am to 5 pm. Even so, these working hours will be conditional because there is a possibility that staff who were previously used to free work here can still adjust to other activities outside. However, during these working hours there are staff who remain on standby in the office to anticipate various possibilities later.

(The meeting discussion was very interesting indeed. Especially for me who just jump into this kind of work after almost than 10 years taught at English Course only)

In the meeting we also agreed on an institutional meeting which would be held once a month, and a special meeting regarding the SPEAR project. The SPEAR project meeting will be a priority because it involves monthly reports that must be sent to the NP to be forwarded to the donors who finance this program. The fourth week will be the time to evaluate and discuss what to do next as we have planned in the annual workplan of the project.

(The participants of the meeting was fully in boat of the same perception about the next journey of the project)

Contracts for staff who have just joined this project was the next topic of discussion. There are a number of adjustments that must be made because not all staff can be fully covered by the program because they are not contractually involved with NPs and donors. Like an admin who is contracted by an institution but his salary will be set aside from the money set aside from this SPEAR project. Likewise the field facilitators who also have to adjust their salary payments.

(The tough discussion on the staff main duties)

After the discussion about the staff contracts is over, the next topic of discussion is more specific to the tasks that we will work on later. I am in charge of documenting and publishing the activities of this project later. Media releases and activity campaign activities through social media such as Facebook and Instagram will be my responsibility as well. Specifically, I also asked permission from the head of the institution to publish our activities on our Hive platform.

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(Our Finance Officer, Sri Indriani smiling on the camera's screen)

Our discussion continues about the village that will be our work intervention area. This discussion went quite tough because this field activity will determine the success of the projects and programs that we have arranged in such a way. Finally we agreed, on Thursday 22 December we will visit the following; Lam Raya, Bak Buloh, Lampoh Taro, all of them are in the Kuta Baro sub-district, Aceh Besar district.

(Wefie with our Field Facilitator, Teuku Darul)

Alright hivers friends in this Southeast Asian community. That's all for today's post. In the next post I will share the details of the project we are working on. We hope that what we are doing will have a good impact on the continuity of peace in Aceh going forward. No more armed conflicts that drain tears and take human lives. We all have to agree with the life of peace in any part of the world on this earth.
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